All Australians actively caring for the land and water that sustains us.


  • Empowering individuals and communities
  • Sustainable management of natural and productive landscapes
  • Building resilient ecosystems and communities


Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation that was established 35 years ago to support the landcare community with funding, capacity-building, on-ground projects, information, networking and promotion of landcare achievements.

Together with the landcare community, our efforts improve biodiversity, build resilience in Australia’s food and farming systems, and create stronger communities. As a leader in the environmental sector, Landcare Australia has strong expertise in designing, managing and completing challenging and complex major ecological restoration projects involving large scale revegetation and carbon abatement.

Established in 1989 by the late former Prime Minister, the Hon. Bob Hawke Landcare Australia has had a long-standing engagement with community-led environmental initiatives. We support over 6,000 groups and 140,000+ volunteers with landcare projects that are focused on sustainable land management practices and environmental conservation.

Landcare Australia works collaboratively with federal, state and local governments and their agencies, Traditional Owners and First Nations organisations, Landcare peak bodies, corporate and philanthropic partners, sponsors, universities and research agencies, farmers and primary producers, community groups and individuals to support the landcare community.

Landcare Australia develops campaigns in partnership with stakeholders to:

  • support the sharing of knowledge and promote the development of community leadership and resilience
  • recognise and celebrate the achievements of the landcare community
  • encourage participation in landcare activities and the recruitment and retention of volunteers
  • attract government, corporate and philanthropic funding and in-kind support for good quality, hands on projects and programs that will improve environmental outcomes
  • support the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices that will deliver a more productive and profitable agriculture industry.

For 35 years, Landcare Australia has worked at the forefront of community and corporate engagement in natural resource management and environmental project delivery. Custodian of the ‘caring hands’ logo, Landcare Australia manages the Landcare, Coastcare and Junior Landcare brands on behalf of the landcare movement. The Landcare brand is recognised and trusted, with consistently positive attitudes in local communities towards landcare projects, and 78% awareness among Australians of the landcare ‘Caring Hands’ logo.

The funding and in-kind contributions raised from partnerships and sponsors supports Landcare Australia to develop programs that are practical, deliverable and community focused.

Through this support Landcare Australia achieves a diverse range of positive environmental and community outcomes, these include:

  • a sustainable approach to integrated land management
  • environmental protection, enhancement and conservation of land, water, waterways and coasts
  • natural habitat restoration to enhance biodiversity
  • building resilience in Australia’s food and farming systems
  • creating social cohesion and wellbeing in communities.

Across Australia, our partnerships support thousands of people involved in Landcare who are volunteering to protect local ecosystems that contribute to the sustainability and productivity of our land and water assets for the benefit of all Australians.


You can read more about the Landcare Australia Strategic Plan 2020/2023 in this document (click to download).


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