The National Landcare Network (NLN)

The National Landcare Network (NLN) is the peak representative body for Landcare groups across Australia and works to provide a voice for community Landcare at the national level. The NLN is made up of representatives from each State and Territory landcare peak body, who come together to represent, support and foster the community Landcare movement. The NLN aims to tell a collective story that reflects the shared experiences of Landcarers across Australia, and advocates for the community Landcare movement to enable it to continue its essential work building resilient and productive landscapes and protecting our natural environment.

The Landcare State & Territory Organisations (STOs)

Across Australia, each state and territory has a peak Landcare organisation (STO) in their region. The Landcare STO organisations include Landcare NSW, Landcare ACT, Landcare Victoria, Landcare Tasmania, Landcare Association of South Australia, WA Landcare Network, Landcare NT and Queensland Water and Land Carers. The Landcare STOs represent and support Landcare groups and networks, along with volunteers to work together to increase biodiversity and promote sustainable land management in local communities in their region.

Landcare Victoria Inc
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