Landcare Australia Board of Directors
Landcare Australia’s Board oversees the organisation’s direction, its governance, and works with management to develop and execute the strategic plan. Our Board members offer a range of skills including; finance, legal and risk management, government relations, business, agribusiness, water management and the environment.
The current members of Landcare Australia’s Board of Directors are:

D. E. Humann AM
Director since 13 December 2016
Doug Humann AM, GAICD, BA (Hons), Dip ED, was appointed chairman of Landcare Australia in 2016. With more than 40 years involvement in regional Australia, including 30 years leadership experience in the environmental sector, Doug led Bush Heritage Australia (1997–2011) to national prominence before establishing his own consultancy. Doug is primarily engaged with non-government organisations, Indigenous groups and natural resource management/catchment management authorities. Doug provides advice and support on a range of strategic, investment, project and governance matters, and is particularly involved in building partnerships, collaborations and mentoring.
Landcare Australia committee memberships
- Chair of Board
- Chair – Governance and Remuneration Committee
- Member – First Nations Landcare Working Group
- Former Member – Finance & Audit Committee & Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee

N. J. Edwards
Director since 1 January 2022
Naomi Edwards BEnvSc, BComms (Hons), MInt&CommDev, PhD Candidate (Griffith University), is based in South-East Queensland and is well known among the grassroots of landcare for co-founding Intrepid Landcare and for her fearless leadership and community advocacy in coastal and marine settings. Trained in science, communications, community development and social science, Naomi currently works as a strategic communications specialist working to improve the lives of Pacific Island communities with cChange International.
Landcare Australia committee memberships
- Chair – Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee

A. E. Hooper
Director since 1 January 2022
Anna Hooper, M.Ag.Bus, B.Ag.Sc, Grad. Dip. Law, GAICD, is a highly regarded agribusiness professional with extensive national resource management, policy, finance, and governance experience. Anna has a strong practical background in the wine industry, being a winemaker and viticulturalist in Australia and overseas. Anna has held various Board roles including with the SE NRM Board and Australian Vignerons. Anna is currently Manager, Industry Policy for Australian
Grape and & Wine, based in Adelaide as well as a Director of Australian Women Pilots’ Association and a Council Member of Native Vegetation Council of SA.
Landcare Australia committee memberships
- Chair – Finance, Risk & Audit Committee
- Member – Governance & Remuneration Committee

J. L. Walker
Director since 1 January 2022
James Walker is a fifth generation grazier operating Camden Park located near Longreach, Queensland. The property is an 8,000 Ha organic, global animal partnership (GAP) accredited cattle station that hosts agritourism and a large-scale solar farm. Being a 2012 Nuffield
Scholar and awarded Australian Farmer of the Year for excellence in diversification, James has built digital platforms and generated alternative businesses models to include environmental sustainability into farmer profit streams. James was a finalist for the 2020 Bob Hawke Landcare Award. James is a board member of Opera Queensland.
Landcare Australia committee memberships
- Former member – Finance, Risk & Audit Committee
- Member – First Nations Landcare Working Group
- Member – Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee

R. J. Underwood
Director since 1 July 2022
Rebecca Underwood, BAgricSc, MAgric, GradCertComm, GAICD, has over 20 years’ experience in Australian agribusiness. Rebecca started her career as an agronomist and more recently has held various senior commercial agribusiness roles. Rebecca brings a strong background in agronomy, agribusiness management, agricultural sustainability, procurement and finance. Rebecca is currently the National Sustainability Field Manager for Nutrien Ag Solutions and is passionate about providing profitable and sustainable agricultural solutions to Australian growers.
Landcare Australia committee memberships
- Member – Governance & Remuneration Committee
- Former member – Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee

B. Foran
Director since 1 March 2024
Brendan Foran, MBA, ADBM, has a wealth of expertise in natural resource management and the environment sector together with strong commercial and governance experience. Brendan led Greening Australia as CEO for 11 years, driving an organisation-wide governance and strategy reform program. He was the inaugural Chair of the Australian Land Conversation Alliance (ALCA), Founding Chair of SeedX and Canopy – Nature Based Solutions, Founding Director of NatureCo, and Non-executive Director of North-East Water and the Gordon Institute of TAFE. Brendan currently sits on the Boards of Green Collar, AustraHort, and also serves as Chair, the North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA).
Member – Finance, Risk & Audit Committee

R. Purves AM
Director since 1 March 2024
Robert is both a businessman and environmentalist with an active business career in public companies. Over the last 20 years, he has dedicated his time to environmental issues. He has served as Chairman/Director for public companies within the health and industrial sectors. Currently, Robert is a board member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists and is a Trustee of Lizard Island Research Station. He has also served as President of WWF-Australia, a former board member of WWF-International as well as the Climate Council. In 2004, Robert established the Purves Environmental Fund, which funds numerous environmental initiatives. Robert also manages his farm in the Southern Tablelands of NSW, where he has consistently worked to improve degraded landscapes.
- Member – Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee

N. Sommerville
Director since 5 December 2025
Natalie Sommerville lives and works on Ngadjuri Country in South Australia’s Mid North and is a farmer, grazier, business owner, mother and mentor. Nat’s connections to Wagadagam clan of Mabuyag of the Torres Strait Islands through her father’s side provides her with a cultural lens in all that she does.
Nat with her husband Dane and 2 children manage their farming business Windjara Ag and have been farming in the mid north for almost 20 years, developing strong relationships with the local traditional owners over this time.
Driven by her passion for sustainable agriculture, the environment and social justice, Nat’s focus is on influencing positive change in rural Australia and seeing greater innovation, inclusion of gender and age, and respect for diverse backgrounds. She is passionate about sharing her farming, cultural and social knowledge and experiences to improve outcomes for both current and future generations.
Nat creates time to mentor Aboriginal students in local schools and ensures she volunteers for community and industry boards at local, state and national levels. This includes National Farmers Federation, Australian Women in Agriculture, SA Ag Excellence Alliance, Landcare Australia First Nations Landcare Working Group, and the local NAIDOC committee just to name a few.
- Member – First Nations Landcare Working Group
Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee
This committee provides advice to the Board on strategies to maximise funds while protecting Landcare Australia’s brands. The committee develops and provides advice on the delivery of partnership guidelines, the management of Landcare Australia’s trademarks; the application of bequest funds; and monitors the marketing and public relations activities. Members of Landcare Australia’s Partnerships Committee:

Clare Bailey
Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee Member

James Walker
Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee member

Naomi Edwards
Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee chair

Robert Purves
Partnerships, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Committee member
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
This committee reviews the organisation’s financial performance, that the reporting is compliant with external standards, and ensures appropriate risk management controls are in place. The committee also liaises with external auditors who review Landcare Australia’s financial report annually. Members of Landcare Australia’s Finance and Audit Committee:

Anna Hooper
Finance and Audit Committee Chair

Brendan Foran
Finance and Audit Committee Member
Governance and Remuneration Committee
Members of Landcare Australia’s Governance and Remuneration Committee:

Doug Humann AM
Governance and Remuneration Committee Chair

Rebecca Underwood
Governance and Remuneration Committee Member

Anna Hooper
Governance and Remuneration Committee Member