Funding for Landcare groups

The Australian Government is investing more than $22 million in 2019-20 to deliver a wide range of on-ground projects that conserve, protect and sustainably manage our environment.
Under the Communities Environment Program, each federal electorate can receive up to $150,000 in grant funding for small-scale, community-led projects – nominated by the local Member of Parliament in consultation with the community – with a focus on environmental priorities such as:
- waste and litter reduction
- protecting native animals, including our threatened species
- addressing weeds and pest animals
- restoring and improving coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways
- greening parks and urban areas.
This program aims to support the environmental priorities of local community and environment groups in their regions and neighbourhoods. It aims to not only recover and strengthen our environment, but also to build and strengthen our communities.
Each electorate can receive funding for up to 20 projects, with the minimum grant amount being $2500 and the maximum grant amount set at $20,000. Sitting Members of Parliament will consult with their community to identify potential projects for their respective electorates.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Landcare groups including Bushcare, Coastcare and ‘Friends of’ groups, also for schools involved in Junior Landcare to implement projects that benefit their local community.
For more information, visit or please contact your local Member of Parliament.