How is Landcare Australia working with GreenCollar?
Landcare Australia is working in partnership with GreenCollar, the leading developer of nature-based carbon projects in Australia. GreenCollar always aims to build additional environmental and social benefits, such as supporting landholders to generate additional income streams, into all its projects and it is this best-practice approach that is essential in differentiating Landcare CarbonSMART Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).
Landcare CarbonSMART will broker ACCUs generated from carefully selected, high integrity projects developed by GreenCollar. All projects from which Landcare CarbonSMART ACCUs are generated have been confirmed by Landcare Australia as delivering strong and genuine ecological and biodiversity co-benefits to the local environment.
As the project developer, GreenCollar will execute the sale and complete the transfer of credits to the buyer’s ANREU account to go towards their organisational objects or retire them on behalf of the buyer and issue retirement certification.
What is the benefit of buying Landcare CarbonSMART credits?
The purchase of Landcare CarbonSMART credits will deliver verified carbon sequestration with confirmed ecological co-benefits by Landcare Australia. As one of Australia’s longest standing and respected community based not-for-profit environmental organisations – supporting over 140,000 individuals across 6,000 community led groups around the country – Landcare Australia has trusted know-how based on three decades of environmental and conservation stewardship.
Australian sourced credits have the additional benefit of generating positive local improvements that vary dependant on the generation methodology as well as removing harmful excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
What is an ecological co-benefit?
An ecological co-benefit is where the actions taken to sequester carbon and generate carbon credits has the additional benefit of improvements to native ecosystems impacted by a variety of human influences.
Improvements may include improved native fauna habitat, improved ecosystem function, protection of threatened species and improved water quality when connected to natural waterways.