1000 trees planted in four days!

Members of Shoalhaven Riverwatch tree planting working bee at Bamarang. From back: Peter Jirgens, Ian Bice, Mick Ware, Jim Rodgers, Tim O’Shea, Bruce Morton, Keith Hazlewood, Denny Hall. Front: Ev Pettigrew and Margie Jirgens.
Two Landcare groups in the South Coast region of New South Wales have made the most of the fine autumn weather, holding working bees to green the banks of the Shoalhaven River and Tapitallee Creek.
Shoalhaven Riverwatch held a working bee on the Shoalhaven River at Bamarang, with 30 volunteers planting 450 River Oak trees over two days.
“We used a technique called ‘long-stemmed planting’ where we plant tall tube-stock, up to one-metre high, in holes augured about 80cm deep,” said project manager Peter Jirgens.
“This deep planting means the roots are well below the competition from kikuyu.
“The plant sends out new roots from its stem which is covered with soil and only the top of the plant remains above the soil level.
“We find that by using this technique, the trees establish much more quickly than traditional planting.”
Working closely with government and the community, Shoalhaven Riverwatch undertakes a number of programs that care for the health of the Shoalhaven River, including bank restoration and river studies.

Tony Innis, Sal Bruderlin and Rob Bruderlin from Tapitalle Creek Landcare Group at the completion of the two-day tree planting at Cambewarra.
Tapitallee Creek Landcare Group at Cambewarra also made the most of the excellent conditions, planting 550 trees during working bees held over two days.
“We have been systematically working to restore the creek banks since we purchased the property in 2003, and this year we are focusing on a section which is highly visible from Hockeys Lane,” said landholder Sally Bruderlin.
“With the help of some local volunteers, we planted River Oaks, Red Cedars, Cabbage Tree Palms, Lomandras and native lilies which will help prevent riverbank erosion and provide habitat for native wildlife.”
Tapitallee Creek Landcare Group was established in 1990 in response to severe erosion along Tapitallee Creek.
Since that time the group has expanded to include Good Dog Creek and have fenced over six kilometres of creek, planted in excess of 14,000 trees, reinstated wetlands along the creek, installed structures to reduce stream bed lowering and carried out fox control activities.

The final result of the tree planting at Tapitallee Creek Cambewarra.
“Our aim is to reduce erosion and improve the environment along the creeks while encouraging native wildlife to move back into our area.” said group secretary Margie Jirgens.
“It’s very encouraging to see the improvement in the environment and to work so constructively with our neighbouring landholders.”