44 444 native trees, shrubs and ground covers now planted!
Flashback to the 2021/22 Summer of Cricket and you may recall having seen the Australian Men’s Cricket Captain Pat Cummins promising to plant four trees for every four hit. Making good on the 4 Pines Brewing Co. partnership with Cricket Australia and Landcare Australia to plant native trees, shrubs and ground covers, a massive 44,444 plants have now been planted at Cape Jervis on South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula.
This strategic location will enhance landscape connectivity, improve biodiversity and provide long-term habitat for threatened species including the Glossy Black Cockatoo. The large area spanning 40 hectares (or just under 100 acres), was seeded with carefully selected species native to the Cape Jervis area, and a community-led planting of 1,000 trees, shrubs and grasses was held with local community group, the Fleurieu Environment Centre, Landcare Australia staff, some of the team from 4 Pines and in-kind support from Green Adelaide.
“This is a terrific example of the outcomes that can be achieved with the commitment of partners like 4 Pines Brewing Co. to restore and protect our natural assets with the involvement and expertise of local landcare groups who know the landscape inside out,” said James Link, Landcare Australia’s Head of Corporate Partnerships.
Over time much of the native vegetation along the South Australian Coastline has been removed, so the Glossy Black Cockatoo which was once endemic to the South Australian Coastline retreated to Kangaroo Island. The species was on the brink of becoming extinct with just 200 Glossy Blacks remaining, so a concerted effort was made to save them, and numbers now sit at 600. By planting their main food source of Drooping Sheoak Trees and understory plants to create natural habitat for the Glossy Black, we hope to encourage the species to migrate back to the mainland.
“We are proud to have partnered with Landcare Australia to support biodiversity and sustainable outcomes for Australian communities,” said Sarah Turner, 4 Pines Brewing Co. Enviro & Social Impact Advisor. “We look forward to this continued relationship and supporting more Aussie wildlife in the years to come.”
4 Pines is a member of ‘1 % For The Planet’ – a global organisation that sees business members donating at least one per cent of their annual sales to approved environmental non-profits, 4 Pines donates 1% of sales revenue from it Pacific Ale, Pale Ale, Ultra Low & Extra Refreshing Ale.

Photos Via Reinhardt O’Kennedy, Videographer & Photographer at H a r d t | F i l m s