Newham Primary School wins big at the 2019 Victorian State and Territory Landcare Awards

Newham Primary School landed the Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award at the 2019 Victorian State and Territory Landcare Awards which were held at Government House in Melbourne on Friday August 30th.
This prestigious award recognises a school, youth organisation or young community landcare team that contributes to raising awareness, sharing knowledge and promoting participation of landcare amongst young people. The award also recognises Junior Landcare teams who implement landcare practices within the local community.
And with just 140 students and eight staff, Newham Primary School is achieving great results with its environmental and sustainability programs.
Students have planted indigenous vegetation along a tributary of Deep Creek that abuts the school, creating a nature corridor for local wildlife that connects with the Cobaw Biolink.
They’ve also designed and built a wetland to provide an alternative breeding ground for frogs which 10 southern brown tree frogs now call home.
‘There are so many people from the Newham Primary School community who have contributed time, expertise and hard work over many years,’ said Newham Primary School science teacher Russel Dyer
‘Staff, students, parents and community members have all been involved, and it’s wonderful to have their efforts recognised. Hopefully the award will be inspiration to get even more people active in this important work in our community.’
Loretta Arrastia, Senior Community and PR Manager at Woolworths, commended the volunteer group on their outstanding accomplishments.
‘Newham Primary School are very deserving of this recognition, and their dedication to protect local native species is an inspiration to us all’ said Ms Arrastia.
‘Woolworths works closely with Landcare Australia to inspire the next generation of environmental champions, and it’s wonderful to see Newham Primary and all other award nominees living the Junior Landcare spirit. ‘