The a2 Milk Company is a dairy nutritionals company, fuelled by its purpose to pioneer the future of dairy for good. a2 Milk® is the brand leader of the fresh liquid milk category in Australia, and naturally contains only the A2 protein, and no A1, thereby allowing more consumers to enjoy its unique digestive and other potential health benefits.
Since 2017, The a2 Milk Company has demonstrated its commitment to farm sustainability through its grants programme. This initiative which began in Australia with the support of Landcare Australia, further expanded to New Zealand in 2022. It has successfully awarded over 65 projects across both regions, totalling more than $2,170,000 NZD.
The a2™ Farm Sustainability Fund offers financial awards to certified a2 Milk™ dairy farms to support projects that promote the achievement of the Company’s sustainability objectives. Successful projects demonstrate an integrated approach to a sustainable future and enable a positive and meaningful impact across the environment in which we operate.
Evaluation is based on criteria aligned to The a2 Milk Company’s sustainability objectives and key priority areas including:
- Reduce on-farm GHG emissions.
- Improve resilience or adapt to climate change.
- Improve animal health and wellbeing.
- Improve soil health and soil carbon sequestration.
- Reduce effluent run-off and enhance water quality.
- Increase water use efficiency.
- Increase on-farm natural and indigenous biodiversity.
- Adapt farm management systems to environmental
challenges and opportunities.
- Control and protect against invasive species.
- Build sustainable communities.
- Enhance employee health, safety and wellbeing.
- Support people development opportunities.By awarding grants to eligible a2 Milk™dairy farms through its partnership with Landcare Australia, a2MC reinforces its commitment to ‘Pioneer the future of dairy for good’.
Successful projects awarded through The a2TM Farm Sustainability Fund
MD and PM Gray (NSW): The Gray’s improved farm resilience by constructing a shelter to cover the feed pad for their milking herd. This will provide a safe area for the cows during weather events, reduce the herd’s heat stress in the summer months and their need for access to the nearby creek, thus decreasing riverbank erosion, effluent runoff as well as improving cow comfort.
Hastings Park (NSW): Hastings Park’s Leo and Sue Cleary launched their Nutrient Reuse Project to effectively distribute dairy waste water to assist pasture growth over their farm’s irrigated section. They built two 50-metre-long plumbed trenches, injecting effluent water from the storage dam into the irrigation delivery line. The project allowed the Cleary’s to successfully reduce the farm’s reliance on chemical fertilisers and reduced their water requirements for irrigation by 10%.
D and M Stewart (VIC): Installed a 98 KW solar system as a first step toward a farm fully powered by green energy. The solar system will not only reduce their greenhouse gas emissions but the cost benefit will allow for investment in cooling fans for the calf sheds and calving barn.
BJ and ML O’Shannessy (VIC): Planted a large number of diverse, local native trees with guidance from a local permaculture expert. These trees will provide a number of benefits including sheltering cattle, encouraging birdlife and improving soil health and biodiversity.