Launched on World Environment Day 2024 with a corporate volunteering event at Westgate Park, Melbourne, the three-year partnership between AusNet and Landcare Australia is based on a shared commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement.
This year we announced our inaugural AusNet Community Landcare Grants, with the Phillip Island Landcare Group and the Gecko Clan Landcare Network each being awarded $20,000 annual funding, for the next three years to support local conservation activities. The Phillip Island Landcare group received funding to protect, promote and provide opportunities for community revegetation. In partnership with Bass Coast Shire Council, the group will enhance endangered vegetation in the public Phillip Island recreation reserve. Meanwhile, the Gecko Clan Landcare Network will address habitat loss caused by recent severe weather events, by coordinating the supply of 6000 indigenous plants, 200 paddock tree guards and 100 nest boxes to local landcare groups.