Farmers and the environment to benefit from ground-breaking alliance that will increase Australia’s biodiversity in farming landscapes

Landcare Australia is proud to announce a three-year partnership with iconic Australian brand Country Road who have committed $600,000 over three years to support the conservation of Australian farming landscapes.
This unique partnership will come to life through biodiversity restoration projects across Australian farmlands, with support from the Australian cotton industry.
The initial project will be implemented by the Kahl family in the Namoi Valley, NSW—a region significantly affected by biodiversity loss and in need of restoration. Prominent third generation cotton farmers, the Kahl family will participate in the program by revegetating a river system that flows through their property. Benefits of the project will include increased habitat and shelter for native animals, reduced erosion along the river bank, improved water quality and enhanced biodiversity.
Research findings from ‘Management of Biodiversity in the Cotton Landscape: Iconic and Threatened Species’, a report developed by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation with support from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program Smart Farming Partnership Initiative Round 1, have been used to identify regions and projects that best support environmental outcomes.
Landcare Australia will receive funding for the project as a result of Country Road contributing a minimum of $600,000 to the partnership over three years, via a corporate contribution and funds raised through the sale of its famous Verified Australian Cotton Heritage Sweats. The funding will provide Landcare Australia with the means to conduct multiple biodiversity projects in the region and invite more Australian farmers to participate in the program.
By purchasing a Country Road Verified Australian Cotton Heritage Sweat, customers can actively support farmers in regenerating Australian landscapes.

(L-R) James Kahl, Daniel Kahl and Dr Shane Norrish, CEO Landcare Australia
Country Road Managing Director, Elle Roseby, says “As an iconic Australian brand, Country Road has a role to play in protecting what matters and using our platform to benefit Australia’s natural landscapes. By partnering with such a renowned environmental organisation, we hope to support the incredible efforts of Australian farmers, whose life’s work depends on having an intimate understanding of changing environmental needs.
Landcare Australia shares Country Road’s deep appreciation for what makes our backyard so special. Their vision of ‘All Australians caring for the land and water that sustain us’ is one that resonates, more so than ever, with both Country Road the brand and our wider community.” said Elle.
Landcare Australia CEO, Dr Shane Norrish, says “Landcare Australia is very proud to launch this partnership with Country Road to develop projects focused on biodiversity conservation with cotton farmers. The projects will help to restore local ecosystems and contribute to the sustainable management and productivity of the landscape.”
“The partnership with Country Road is a powerful example of how Landcare Australia brings together organisations to work on projects that will have a meaningful impact for farmers, the environment and the local community. We are very pleased to be working with Country Road and the Australian cotton industry on biodiversity projects that will protect habitat for a range of native plants and animals, including threatened species.”
The Australian cotton industry has played a supporting role in this partnership by providing the findings of its research to inform priority areas for biodiversity restoration in cotton farming landscapes, identifying farmers to participate in the program and working with them to develop on-ground projects that deliver benefits to the natural environment.
“Protecting and improving biodiversity in cotton landscapes is a key focus for the industry. This partnership will accelerate these efforts, showcase the benefits of improving biodiversity to other cotton farmers and provide a lasting legacy for our farms, communities and the natural environment,” Cotton Australia CEO Adam Kay said.
The Landcare Australia partnership follows a number of recent milestones for Country Road, including scientifically verified Australian fibres, achieving 5 Star Green Star rated stores through the Green Building Council and the launch of Our World—an online platform dedicated to sharing the brand’s sustainability journey with the wider community.
For more information, visit The Biodiversity Project.