East Gippsland Landcare Network receives inaugural Sure Gro Tree Max Landcare Grant

With its project, “Beating Back the Browsers”, the East Gippsland Landcare Network is the recipient of the inaugural $5,000 Sure Gro Tree Max Landcare Grant.
“The project’s goal is to increase the survival rates of newly planted native seedlings on Landcare revegetation sites, said Natalie Jenkins, Project Coordinator of the East Gippsland Landcare Network.
“We’ll accomplish this by reducing the pressure of browsing animals (particularly Sambar Deer) as the current levels of browsing pressure are resulting in very high mortality rates of new seedlings.”
For over 30 years, Sure Gro Tree Max Australia, a family-owned company providing quality products for land management, soil erosion control, revegetation, landscaping, civil, agriculture and nursery industries, has worked closely with Landcare, Coastcare and Bushcare groups throughout Australia.
To formally recognise the loyalty these groups have shown their business and the importance of the work they do, in 2018, Sure Gro Tree Max partnered with Landcare Australia to inaugurate the Sure Gro Tree Max Landcare Grant Program.
“It’s our way of giving back to the thousands of communities and volunteers that carry out important environmental projects across Australia,” said Sure Gro Tree Max’s Josh Isman.
This grant program is being funded through a cause-related marketing initiative, with Sure Gro Tree Max donating 5% (GST exclusive) to Landcare Australia from all orders it receives from Landcare, Bushcare and Coastcare groups that are listed in the National Landcare Directory. For information about this initiative and to obtain the code to ensure 5% donation from orders goes to Landcare Australia to fund these grants, visit: http://landcareaustralia.org.au/sure-gro-tree-max-landcare-grants-program