Government Partners
Landcare Australia has worked collaboratively with federal, state and local governments and their agencies for over 35 years to support the landcare community with activities that:
- support the sharing of knowledge and promote the development of community leadership and resilience
- recognise and celebrate the achievements of the landcare community
- encourage participation in landcare activities and the recruitment and retention of volunteers
- attract government, corporate and philanthropic funding and in-kind support for good quality, hands on projects and programs that will improve environmental and community wellbeing outcomes
- support the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices that will deliver a more productive and profitable agriculture industry.
Australian Government

The National Landcare Program is the flagship program for the Australian Government and their commitment to natural resource management, and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).
Landcare Australia receives funding from the National Landcare Program to deliver the following projects: the National Landcare Conference, the National Landcare Awards, the State & Territory Landcare Awards, the Bob Hawke Landcare Award and the Landcare Farming Program.
Landcare Australia also receives funding to deliver large scale restoration projects. We work in partnership with landcare groups and other environmental NGOs on projects that restore, enhance and protect landscapes and waterways. More recently our projects include the 20 Million Trees Program, the Healthy Rivers Program and the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Program. These projects supported threatened species conservation, engaged community, helped build a resilient landscape and significantly contributed to improving the capability of stakeholders to better manage the natural resources for which they are responsible. These projects amplified the involvement of youth, women and Indigenous people in landcare and increased the awareness and adoption of sustainable agriculture practices that will deliver a more sustainably productive and profitable agriculture industry. You can read more about the 20 Million Trees Project here.
Victorian Government Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

The Victorian Government’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA, through the Victorian Landcare Program, provide funding and support to Landcare Australia to leverage corporate and other non-government funding for Landcare projects in Victoria. The support provided by DEECA helps to increase the funding available to Victoria’s Landcare groups and schools for a diverse range of Landcare projects across the state. DEECA also funds Landcare Australia to administer the Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants, which have provided more than $2 million in funding to over 570 projects across Victoria since 2018. The grants support the delivery of the goals of Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s 20-year plan to stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment.