Meet The Finalists: 2022 Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award

1 AUGUST 2022: Landcarers across Australia are abuzz with the complete list of finalists for the 2022 Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award announced today.
Ranging from the ACT’s passionate river protector Deb Kellock to Tasmania’s lifelong ecological restoration practitioner Tod Dudley, each state and territory’s top landcarer will converge on Sydney for the winner’s announcement at the 2022 National Landcare Awards in August.
Landcare Australia CEO Dr Shane Norrish said he was thrilled to see this years’ finalists ongoing commitment to landcare and the significant impact their work has had on their local communities.
“In these challenging times it is fantastic to see dedicated landcarers like these eight finalists continuing to achieve so much for our environment through landcare,” said Dr Norrish.
“Their collective success showcases the breadth of landcare work being done across the country to combat climate change, protect our waterways, build community resilience, and so much more.
“These are landcare leaders who go above and beyond in caring for our land and supporting our communities. Strong leaders must be recognised and celebrated, and this is exactly what the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award does.
Minister for Agriculture, Senator Murray Watt, said the Australian Government was impressed by the calibre of candidates for the award this year and congratulated the nominees on their efforts.
“These past years have been incredibly difficult for all Australians, but each one of these Individual award finalists has overcome the challenges and continued to deliver for our communities and environment,” said Minister Watt.
“Their unwavering commitment to landcare and to bringing communities together to give back to the environment is a testament to the strength, resilience and mateship of the tens of thousands of landcarers across Australia.”
The full list of finalists includes:
ACT: Deb Kellock
Deb Kellock has worked across the Landcare and Waterwatch space for 20 years and has always gone the extra mile for the land and rivers she cares deeply about. In 2001 she became a volunteer with Parkcarers of Southern Murrumbidgee, putting in around 1,000 hours of her time, cutting and spraying weeds, controlling erosion and planting native species. She has also served as the Waterwatch Coordinator with Molonglo Catchment Group for over six years.
NSW: Julie Holstegge
Despite many obstacles being thrown her way, Landcare hero Julie Holstegge has volunteered thousands of hours of her time, planted thousands of trees, engaged local farmers in landcare, transformed ‘kikuyu drains & paddocks ‘ to biodiversity hotspots, and continues to build on her amazing sustainable legacy.
VIC: Don Rowe
An active leader and role model since the inception of Upper Hopkins Land Management Group in 1991, Don Rowe’s can-do attitude towards mitigating and adapting to climate change has inspired his local community and Landcare group. Practicing what he preaches, Don’s own property also showcases landcare farming at its best, by incorporating sustainable production and ecological benefits.
TAS: Todd Dudley
Involved in Landcare activities in Tasmania since 1991, Todd Dudley has been a lifelong bush regenerator and ecological restoration practitioner. Todd was was responsible for the establishment of both the North East Bioregional Network and the North East Tasmania Land Trust and has facilitated the protection of land and the undertaking of landscape scale restoration projects.
SA: Liz Milner
A dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate landcarer, Liz Rowe produces outstanding biodiversity and community engagement outcomes through Landcare activities in her local Mount Lofty Ranges. As one of the most highly regarded volunteers in the region, Liz’s undertakes remarkable bushcare work that spans over 1,464 ha of high quality native bushland and all while engaging, encouraging and inspiring the community.
WA: Margaret Moir
Margaret Moir has been undertaking significant conservation work in the Margaret River area since the early 90s. A founding member and former President and Treasurer of Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, Margaret’s focus on river restoration of the Margaret River has played a major role in river care becoming a mainstream issue in the region. She is the author of Woody Weeds of the Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin Region, with plans to release a companion publication on non-woody weeds in future.
NT: Doris Baylis
Doris Baylis has been involved in many Landcare activities both on Mataranka Station (which she manages with her husband) and in the Katherine and Mataranka region. A firm believer in a whole-of-community approach, Doris engages with the community through her role as secretary for the Roper River Landcare Group, as member of the volunteer fire brigade, and as host to Charles Darwin University Students as a part of the Northern Australia Field Intensive.
QLD: Walter Mayr
Walter Mayr has been a dedicated Landcarer for over 40 years, is the co-ordinator of Austinville Landcare and the current President Watergum which, the umbrella Group for Landcare groups in the Gold Coast Region. Since the 1970’s Walt and his wife have restored their remote 25ha degraded property back to its original rainforest habitat and have protected the land in perpetuity as a Nature Refuge.