Sharing stories of rescue to inspire other Coastcarers

Coastcarers have long been rescuing our marine environments and waterways, telling tall tales and true along the way. A new storytelling website is giving Coastcarers an opportunity to share their stories of what it’s like to clean-up a littered waterway, restore a degrading sand dune, or rescue a creature from harm’s way.
Stories are a way information can be shared, often reaching places that facts can’t reach, something former ABC Radio documentary maker and storyteller Gretchen Miller is exploring through her PhD studies at the University of New South Wales. In partnership with Landcare Australia, Gretchen has created the Rescue Project.
By sharing positive stories about connecting with our environment the Rescue Project aims to inspire and encourage others – especially those who many not be environmentally active or concerned – but who live and work in a close relationship with the natural environment, such as farmers and small town communities.
Once Gretchen has received enough contributions, she plans to create a podcast and audio documentary from the stand-out stories.
To read more stories of rescue or contribute your own, visit the Rescue Project’s website Story contributions can be made until 18 December 2018.