Healthy Rivers flow with biodiversity benefits for threatened species

Over the last three years, Landcare Australia has managed a large-scale landscape restoration project with funding from the Australian Government in partnership with broadacre farmers, Fisheries NSW, Local Land Services, and OzFish to improve the natural assets of the Namoi River Catchment.

The Murray-Darling Basin covers up to 14% of Australia’s land mass and is home to over 120 native bird species and more than 50 fish species. The rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin serve as a vital water resource, but they have suffered due to previous land clearing, and extreme flooding events.

With the funding provided by the Australian Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program, Landcare Australia took significant steps to improve the habitat within the Namoi Catchment. Efforts include bank stabilisation works, installation of instream habitat structures, weed control in riparian zones, stock exclusion fencing, and assisted regeneration using 7,800 locally sourced native seedlings.

Local bush regenerators were engaged to assist in undertaking these works in collaboration with Tamworth Regional Landcare Association, which supported the improvement of 65 hectares of degraded floodplain, riparian, and wetland habitat within the Namoi River Catchment. Additionally, 200 individual timber pins were installed across the Wallamore Anabranch to slow flow during high rainfall events, capturing debris and sediments to protect the Anabranch from further active erosion and improve water quality.

These efforts are crucial for enhancing in-stream biodiversity by providing thermal refuge, shelter, and food sources for native aquatic species. They also provide habitat for threatened species such as Murray cod and silver perch. The Healthy Rivers project aims to provide passive and active recreational opportunities such as recreational fishing.

Quotes attributable to Dr Shane Norrish, Landcare Australia CEO

“Landcare Australia’s involvement in the Healthy Rivers project again demonstrates Landcare Australia’s ability to manage large scale landscape restoration projects. We are grateful for the funding from the Australian Government so that we can create effective partnerships that deliver on-ground landcare work with an aim to restore and protect our land and water assets. Managed by Landcare Australia, the Healthy Rivers project is a great example of how we work with a wide range of great partners to deliver projects at scale, including the great work of broadacre farmers, North West Local Land Services, Tamworth Regional Landcare Association and Fisheries NSW including NSW Fisheries Manager Milly Hobson.”

Quotes attributable to Kevin Edmonds, Former President at Gunnedah Jockey Club:

“Due to flooding over the past years, the track at the Gunnedah Jockey Club, along with the buildings, facilities, and stables, went underwater three times, resulting in severe bank erosion of the crown land adjoining the river. The bank retreated several metres because of the flooding. Now, trees have been planted, and the bank has been reestablished, transforming the area.”

Quotes attributable to Angela Baker, Senior Land Services Officer at North West Local Land Services:

“Along the Namoi River, the banks were in a terrible state, with no remnant riparian vegetation, and they were migrating further back with each flow event. We’ve stopped a significant erosion problem and now have a stabilised bank where vegetation can be reestablished, benefiting both aquatic and terrestrial species like the endangered koala.”

Quotes attributable to Harry Davey, Project Officer at OzFish:

“Local recreational fishers with OzFish began work on Goonoo Goonoo Creek in 2015, this work adds to what has already been started upstream and now has almost 10 years of restoration progress. It’s a long-term process. In the restored areas we have seen the return of fish, such as the endangered silver perch and catfish. I look forward to seeing the progress downstream here, in 10 years. OzFish is proud of the recreational fisher stewards around Tamworth caring for their local Namoi River, we need to care for these waterways to support the species populations and for better fishing into the future.”

New partnership between Steadfast and Landcare Australia to empower a First Nations-led bushfire mitigation initiative

Landcare Australia, in partnership with Steadfast, has announced $55,000 in funding to support the Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation’s Itjumatj Woka ‘Healthy Country Project’ in partnership with landcare groups in Wangaratta, Victoria.

The funding will support two cultural burn workshops, and COVRAM app training for rangers and landcare members to learn more about native vegetation condition assessment and monitoring. The project will help build capacity of the Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation to create employment opportunities for First Nations people in caring for Country.

The project is also an opportunity for Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation to collaborate with the Warby Range Landcare Group and other regional landcare groups. The Warby Range Landcare Group has had a longstanding 30-year relationship with Bangerang Traditional Owners and together they have created significant cross-cultural and environmental benefits for the community. The funding will support Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation to continue their collaborate with the Warby Range Landcare Group and involve Ovens Landcare Network and Gecko CLaN. The project aims to fulfill Bangerang’s aspiration to empower its people to take a lead role in caring for Country.

Land & Water Project Manager of the Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation, Will Ford expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership.

“This project is all about sharing knowledge, sharing Culture and walking side by side to care for Country. It’s a great opportunity to practice our Traditional ways of land management combined with new technology like the COVRAM app for native vegetation assessment and monitoring. We are looking forward to working alongside the local landcare groups and our partners at Landcare Australia and Steadfast to see the benefits of this project for Country and people. In Bangerang language we say itjumatj woka, itjumatj yenbena – healthy Country, healthy people.”

Robert B. Kelly AM, Steadfast Group’s Founder, Managing Director & CEO, says:

“As climate risks continue to pose issues for the insurance industry and the people we serve, Landcare Australia’s work to protect land and waterways is increasingly important. We are committed to empowering on-the-ground initiatives that strengthen and future-proof the wellbeing of our communities.

“Groups such as the Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation have strong and long-standing ties to communities and local landcare groups, and and are doing incredible work to protect the land. It’s a privilege to support this work.”

Dr Shane Norrish, CEO Landcare Australia welcomed the opportunity to support local landcare groups and the Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation with their work on Country.

“We are very excited about our new partnership with Steadfast and how together we can support the Itjumatj Woka Healthy Country Project.

“The project isn’t just about land management, it’s about reconciliation and strengthening community. By working together, the landcare community and Traditional Owners can promote landscape health and social cohesion. I hope this project will inspire other landcare groups and First Nations organisations across the country to collaborate on projects to improve landscape restoration and support First Nations people to care for Country.

The total funding granted, excluding GST, is $55,000 from June 2024 to June 2025. This partnership between Landcare Australia and Steadfast had key criteria to support a collaborative project with a landcare group and a First Nations organisation. The project demonstrates a commitment to First Nations people and youth, focusing on collaboration, reconciliation, opportunities for First Nations people to care for Country, and shared outcomes with the broader community.

2024 AusNet Community Landcare Grant Recipients Announced

Landcare Australia, in partnership with AusNet, is proud to announce the recipients of the 2024 AusNet Community Landcare Grants.

The Phillip Island Landcare Group and the Gecko Clan Landcare Network, both based in Victoria, have been awarded $20,000 annual funding for the next three years.

The Phillip Island Landcare Group has received funding to protect, promote, and provide opportunities for community revegetation. In partnership with Bass Coast Shire Council, the group will enhance endangered vegetation in the new public Phillip Island recreation reserve in Cowes. This long-term ecological improvement will benefit local habitats and native fauna. An outcome of this project is to protect and enhance 3.9 hectares of indigenous remnant vegetation and engage new and existing volunteers, as well as the wider community, in their programs.

The Gecko Clan Landcare Network is committed to connecting landscapes and communities in the Strathbogie Shire areas. Recently, this area has been affected by severe weather events and storms that have resulted in significant habitat loss and damage to large old hollow-bearing trees which usually provide homes for native species.

To address this, the Gecko Clan Landcare Network will coordinate the supply of 6,000 locally indigenous plants, 200 paddock tree guards, and 100 nest boxes to local landcare groups. This initiative will protect and enhance an additional 12 hectares of land and support the community with their landcare work.

Landcare Australia CEO Dr. Shane Norrish congratulated the grant recipients and emphasised the importance of innovation and collaboration.

“We are extremely pleased to partner with AusNet, sharing a commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. This partnership will support two landcare groups in Victoria to make a positive impact to local ecosystems, biodiversity, and community well-being. I’m excited to see the outcomes of this funding and how it will demonstrate the importance of partnerships in enhancing environmental stewardship within local communities,” Mr Norrish said.

AusNet CEO, David Smales said AusNet was delighted to partner with Landcare Australia to build a more sustainable future.

“We are pleased to be partnered with Landcare Australia. With its long and trusted history, Landcare Australia is a great fit for AusNet and supports our focus on sustainability through on-ground projects and community capability building. I’m excited to see the community benefits that will flow from the grants we’ve announced today,” Mr Smales said.

Today’s announcement follows the signing of a three-year corporate partnership between Landcare Australia and AusNet which aims to fund community landcare activities within AusNet’s electricity distribution network across eastern and northeastern Victoria. The two grants are to support three-year projects, with annual funding of $20,000 per project.

The partnership includes community grants, projects and corporate environmental volunteering activities which enable AusNet employees to get ‘hands on’ to support landcare projects, learning about local environmental issues, and encouraging collaboration with the community.

Local winners announced at the Western Australian Landcare Awards

Winners for the Western Australian Landcare Awards have been proudly announced, recognising the outstanding contributions by locals to the state’s environment and community.

The Landcare Awards honour the remarkable accomplishments of individuals, groups and organisations, young and old, dedicated to protecting the Western Australia’s natural resources and building resilient landscapes for the future. The award winners and their projects are diverse, including climate innovation, community partnerships, sustainable agriculture, youth, and collaboration with First Nations.

Winners of the State & Territory Landcare Award categories will represent Western Australia at the National Landcare Awards to be held in 2025.

Landcare Australia CEO, Dr Shane Norrish, commended recipients of the Western Australian Landcare Awards on their outstanding accomplishments.

“The Western Australian Landcare Award winners have shown an exceptional level of commitment to landcare activities by restoring and protecting the natural environment where they live and work. Their achievements benefit not only our land and water assets but is helping to create partnerships and build community resilience across Australia. As we come together to celebrate and acknowledge their efforts, we also find inspiration in their hard work, and a reminder to us all that landcare is a collective effort.

List of winners below:


viz. Dampier Peninsula Fire Working Group meeting on Country
photo credit Chris Curnow/Rangelands NRM

Local winners announced at the NSW Landcare Awards ceremony

Winners for the NSW Landcare Awards have been proudly announced, recognising the outstanding contributions by locals from across the state to the environment conservation, sustainable farming, and our community.

The NSW winners have been acknowledged during a ceremony at the Sergeants Mess, Chowder Bay Mosman, on 3 June 2024.

The Landcare Awards honour the remarkable accomplishments of individuals, groups and organisations, dedicated to protecting the NSW natural resources and building resilient landscapes for the future. The award winners and their projects are diverse, including climate innovation, community partnerships, sustainable agriculture, youth, and collaboration with First Nations.

Quote attributed to Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty:

“Landcarers make important and lasting contributions to communities and these awards are an opportunity to recognise and celebrate those efforts.

“I congratulate all nominees for achieving great things for their local communities and thank them for their ongoing commitment.

“Events like this remind me of how proud I am that the NSW Government committed a record $59 million to support Landcare through the NSW Landcare Enabling Program.”

Quote attributed to Local Land Services Acting CEO, Rob Kelly:

“The Landcare NSW and Local Land Services partnership is one we value and one that delivers important outcomes for the environment, agriculture and communities.

“I congratulate the finalists along with all Landcare staff and volunteers for the positive role they play in communities.

“We look forward to continuing to work with Landcare NSW to deliver positive outcomes across this state into the future.”

Quote attributed to Landcare NSW CEO, Turlough Guerin:

“These awards are one of the highlights of our Landcare calendar and are our chance to celebrate and recognise the amazing work that the Landcare volunteers do. It’s such a privilege to be part of this phenomenal community.”

Quote attributed to Landcare Australia CEO, Dr Shane Norrish:

“The NSW Landcare Award finalists have shown an exceptional level of commitment to landcare activities by restoring and protecting the natural environment where they live and work. Their achievements benefit not only our land and water assets but are helping to create partnerships and build community resilience across Australia. As we come together to celebrate and acknowledge their efforts, we also find inspiration in their hard work, and a reminder to us all that landcare is a collective effort.”

Winners of the State & Territory Landcare Award categories will represent NSW at the 2024 National Landcare Awards to be held in late 2025.

  • Australian Government Climate Innovation Award
  • Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award
  • Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award
    • Winner: Ran Mitchell
  • Australian Government Community Partnerships Landcare Award
    • Winner: Lake Macquarie Volunteer Landcare Network
  • Greyhound Coastcare Award
    • Winner: Wallabi Point Coastcare
  • First Nations Landcare Collaboration Award
    • Winner: Waybali Murruway
  • Women in Landcare Award
    • Winner: Nell Chaffey
  • Woolworths Junior Landcare Award
  • NextGen Landcare Award
    • Winner: NPWS Penguin Warden Taylor Springett