Find a Group
The National Landcare Directory (NLD) is an online directory of community environmental 'care' groups across Australia that include landcare networks and groups, Bushcare, 'Friends of; Coastcare, Dunecare and Rivercare groups. The directory also includes farming system groups, landholders, Traditional Owners and First Nations groups, youth groups and Junior Landcare schools. Also registered are environmental community groups who may not have 'landcare' in their group name, yet they are caring for their local environment with conservation and sustainable land management activities.
The National Landcare Directory helps you search for a group by suburb or postcode. You will find phone numbers, email addresses and street addresses. If you don't see this information, it is because the group has selected to keep their information private.
Add your group to the National Landcare Directory. You can also change your group's
details here.
You can also search for a group near you through the National Landcare Network and the Landcare State and
Territory Organisations websites. You can also explore Junior Landcare
projects at schools and early learning centres across Australia via the Woolworths Junior Landcare Map Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants.