Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Projects
In May 2021, the former Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley announced the $14 million Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants program. The program supported recovery projects in seven government-designated regions impacted by the Black Summer bushfires in Queensland, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia.
Managed in partnership between Landcare Australia, the National Landcare Network and the peak Landcare State and Territory organisations, the program saw almost 66,000 Australians- including over 10,000 volunteers, working together to deliver 111 impactful community-driven projects.
With project successes ranging from Upper Snowy Landcare discovering the best eucalyptus seed sources for future bushfire recovery efforts through climate testing, to the South Australian Museum’s research data leading to the Kangaroo Island Assassin Spider being listed as Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act, the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants program has had an overwhelmingly positive impact across some of Australia’s most heavily bushfire affected regions.
Read more about the projects below:

Kangaroo Island
Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated – Extension of Thermal Assisted Aerial Cull of Feral Pigs on Kangaroo Island: This project extends feral pig eradication efforts on Kangaroo Island by funding thermally assisted aerial culling of feral pigs on the western end of the island. Removing feral pigs from the recovering native vegetation will immediately support the recovery of threatened biodiversity.
BirdLife Australia – Recovering Kangaroo Island’s Birds after Black Summer Wildfires: This project will establish long-term community monitoring sites, to collect occupancy and abundance rates of post-fire populations of birds across Kangaroo Island, including the Kangaroo Island Emu-wren, Kangaroo Island Whipbird and Bassian Thrush. The project will partner with the community and landowners to assist in surveys to inform post-fire recovery of Kangaroo Island birds, guiding long-term fire planning and habitat management.
Kangaroo Island Conservation Landowners Association – Habitat augmentation, adaptation and survey of bats and pygmy-possums after Kangaroo Island bushfires: The current project will engage local scientists, landholders, and community volunteers to assess and adapt nest boxes to promote the recovery of seven bat species, and Little Pygmy- possum populations.
Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife – Felixers for Fire Relief: This project will support the development of artificial intelligence camera monitoring and deploy Felixer grooming traps in unburnt areas within the 2019/2020 fire scar on Western Kangaroo Island. Feral cat control will benefit species, such as the Kangaroo Island dunnart and Kangaroo Island echidna, that are finding refuge within these unburnt habitat patches.
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board – A Fighting Chance – Advances in invasive predator control to deliver landscape-scale benefits for post-fire threatened species recovery: This project will utilise large-scale remote monitoring of traps to improve the efficiency of post-fire feral cat control. The monitoring system will complement existing techniques including cage traps, soft-jaw leg hold traps, thermal imaging assisted hunting, baiting and feral cat detector dogs, to reduce feral cat predation and improve post-fire recovery outcomes for a range of threatened fauna species.
Kangaroo Island Landscape Board – Deploying baits to control feral cats in forestry properties on Kangaroo Island: This project will deliver broad-scale feral cat baiting to optimise cat control efforts across fire-affected forestry areas of western Kangaroo Island. The project will suppress feral cat numbers and complement existing threatened species fire recovery projects underway.
Nature Conservation Society of SA Inc. – Mobilising and supporting a community-led fire recovery initiative for Kangaroo Islands’ threatened flora: This project will mobilise and support a community-led initiative to recover threatened populations of fire-impacted flora and to mitigate immediate extinction risks for the most imperilled species. Activities include assessing, prioritising and addressing post-fire recovery actions, such as seed collection and propagation, and developing a citizen science threatened flora monitoring project.
South Australian Museum – Islands within an island: invertebrate species of conservation concern in unburnt refugia within the burn scar on Kangaroo Island: The project will conduct surveys for invertebrate species at risk of extinction in unburnt refugia on Kangaroo Island, including the Kangaroo Island Micro-trapdoor Spider and Kangaroo Island Assassin Spider. Activities include surveys to collect data on distribution in unburnt remnants and threats to post-fire recovery, molecular analyses to delineate species boundaries and distributions, a trial of a DNA collection method and the prioritisation of recovery actions.
The alpine environments across ACT, NSW and Victoria
ACT NRM – Cleaner Murrumbidgee flows after fire: Works to stabilise and restore containment lines installed over rural properties adjacent to Namadgi National Park during the 2020 bushfires will be undertaken to minimise the impact of erosion on waterways and downstream threatened aquatic fauna. The project will work with landowners to provide information on best practice track management to prevent erosion.
Ginninderra Catchment Group – Frogs from the Ashes: This project will establish twelve long-term monitoring sites in bushfire affected areas of Namadgi National Park to support the recovery of threatened frog species. Post-fire monitoring data, in combination with historical frog data, will provide a much-needed understanding of the current status of fire-affected frog populations, including declining and locally rare species. Study sites will be integrated into the annual FrogCensus, run by ACT and Region FrogWatch.
Greta Valley Landcare Group – Creating resilient natural assets in the Greta Valley: This project will focus on the protection and enhancement of riparian habitat in Fifteen Mile Creek and Boggy Creek, and remnant vegetation on the Futters Range in the upper catchment of the Greta Valley. Activities include fencing, weed control (targeting blackberry and willow), pest animal control (targeting deer and feral pigs) to build community capacity and engagement in best practice natural resource management to support post-fire recovery in the region.
Holbrook Landcare Network – Dunns Rd/Green Valley Fire Recovery – Upper Murray: This project will support the implementation of the Landcare-led Murray–Riverina Ecological Fire Recovery Strategy by building the capacity of fire-affected Landholders and supporting them to develop ecological plans for fire recovery.
Parklands Albury Wodonga Limited – Resourcing community to help the natural landscapes of Wodonga to Towong adapt: The project will install stock exclusion fencing and undertake weeding to establish conservation corridors, protect native species and support the regeneration of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands and riparian corridors.
Parklands Albury Wodonga Ltd – Bonegilla Bat Biodiversity: The project will improve habitat values for threatened bat and bird species by protecting regenerating habitat from animal grazing and undertaking targeted weed control.
Southern ACT Catchment Group – Bushfire Restoration in the ACT Alpine Region: Southern ACT Catchment Group will work with local Landcare groups, Landcare ACT, ACT Government Parks and Conservation Service, rural lessees and ACT NRM to assist the recovery of native ecosystems in the burnt areas of the ACT. Key activities will include pest plant treatments, sensitive bog restoration works and community engagement and monitoring in the bushfire affected area.
Trust for Nature – Controlling high threat weeds on private land in North East Victoria: This project will support up to 80 landholders with conservation covenants in fire impacted landscapes of North East Victoria to manage high threat weeds on their properties. This project will enhance the remnant habitat of threatened ecological vegetation classes, and support many threatened and endangered plants and wildlife that reside on these properties.
Upper Snowy Landcare Network – Rethreading the Monaro ‘ring of fire’: This project aims to regenerate an island of dieback-ravaged critically endangered grassy woodland in the heart of the Monaro by protecting a connected piece of remnant woodland from livestock grazing. The project will restore biodiversity and soil hydration to the site, and reconnect areas of remnant bushland to provide vital habitat and refugia.
Upper Snowy Landcare Network – Climate testing the next generation of trees: This project will test and predict the climate resilience of trees needed to restore bushfire impacted native woodlands and forests in south-east Australia. Activities include testing the heat and drought tolerance of Ribbon Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and Snow Gum (E. pauciflora) seedlings using high-resolution real-time imaging technology to generate climate-specific survival predictions. This information will be released to practitioners via the Sydney Royal Botanic Garden’s ‘Restore and Renew’ webtool to maximise the chances of success of other post-fire restoration programs.
Victorian Fisheries Authority – Recovering Macquarie perch, a native freshwater fish, in bushfire affected areas: This project will use a partnership approach to enhance the recovery and maximise the resilience of Macquarie perch populations in Victoria. Activities include restoring streamside and instream fish habitat, improving the breeding of the species at Snobs Creek fish hatchery and connecting with local Landcare groups, Traditional Owners, angling clubs and other groups to support community revegetation planting days and restocking Macquarie perch fingerlings.
The forests and coastal ecosystems of East Gippsland
BirdLife Australia – East Gippsland Nest Box Project Phase 2 – Communities supporting post-fire recovery and monitoring of artificial habitat for hollow using fauna: This project will extend the East Gippsland Nest Box Project to enhance and maximise wildlife recovery. BirdLife Australia, in partnership with East Gippsland Landcare Network, Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation, BugBlitz Trust, community groups and individuals, will develop a nest box monitoring survey tool, train citizen scientists to monitor nest boxes and complete fauna surveys, install nest boxes at new priority sites and deliver bushfire recovery education programs for schools and community groups.
Clifton Creek Community Landcare Group – Post Bushfire – New and Emerging Weed Control: This project will raise awareness and support property owners to control invasive weeds to support the recovery of native biodiversity and improve pastures. The project will provide education and equipment to support landholders recognise and remove weeds on their properties.
East Gippsland Conservation Management Network – East Gippsland Shire Recovery Roadmap: This project will identify and assess bushfire impacted biodiversity assets within the East Gippsland Shire Council, including Littoral Rainforest, Coastal Saltmarsh and Gippsland Red Gum Grassy Woodland vegetation types. The project will provide an audit of vegetation condition and guide prioritisation of recovery works in collaboration with the local community.
East Gippsland Landcare Network Inc – Trials and Tributaries: This project will assess waterways within the East Gippsland Landcare Network to determine the effectiveness of riparian works, such as revegetation and fencing, on aquatic habitat. The project will support a long-term strategic methodology for future riparian works.
East Gippsland Landcare Network Inc – Proactive on Pests – biodiversity protection for East Gippsland Ecological Vegetation Communities: This project is a targeted, strategic approach to significant pest plant and animal management concerns in the East Gippsland Landcare Network area. Works include weed control, rabbit control, installing deer exclusion fencing and monitoring for foxes (scat detection) to protect and enhance locally vulnerable ecological vegetation communities.
East Gippsland Landcare Network Inc – Tambo River Old Course Restoration Project: This project will restore approximately 4 kms of the Tambo River old watercourse frontage through weed control (willows, blackberries, hawthorn, African box thorn), fencing, and revegetation works. Works will re-establish native vegetation to provide improved habitat and water quality for native species.
Envite Environment – Restoring Nutritional Landscapes for Threatened Arboreal Folivores: Together with Moogji Aboriginal Council East Gippsland Inc and the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, the project will undertake a large-scale ecological thinning program in East Gippsland aimed at reversing fire and logging impacts on the landscape by removing Silvertop Ash to enable replanting of local tree species that provide a higher-quality food source for forest dwelling animals like greater gliders and koalas.
Far East Victoria Landcare – Protecting Far East Gippsland catchments through erosion mitigation and wetland establishment: This project will protect waterways of far east Gippsland by slowing water, trapping sediment and reducing nutrient flow to improve the water quality and habitat values across the catchments. Activities include strategic rock placement, fencing and revegetation to mitigate erosion in the Hospital Creek, Wairewa and the Brodribb River catchments. The project will also develop a wildlife corridor in the Wallagaraugh River catchment through the planting of over 8,000 locally native plants.
Far East Victoria Landcare – Landcare led monitoring of recovery post bushfire in East Gippsland: This project will support the collection and analysis of post bushfire species monitoring data across the region. Information on species presence, distribution and abundance will be collected and collated across bushfire impact properties to help guide future recovery actions. The project will also see 2,000 native seedlings planted to provide a food source for species such as the Glossy Black-Cockatoo or Koalas.
Greening Australia Ltd – Gliding to Recovery – Supporting the Recovery of Greater Gliders: The project will install nest boxes in refugia habitat for the Greater Glider, East Gippsland. In partnership with the Far East Victoria Landcare, community spotlighting events will be undertaken to build awareness of Greater Gliders and their habitat. The project will also partner with Federation University to develop a new suite of genetic markers for Greater Gliders to help better understand, plan and monitor Greater Glider populations in the future.
Growling Grass Frog – In-situ habitat augmentation for hollow-using native species impacted by the 2019/2020 fires in East Gippsland: This project will provide habitat for hollow-dependant vertebrates impacted by bushfires in East Gippsland by creating chainsaw hollows and refuges. The project will install hollows and refuges to benefit the recovery of arboreal species such as Greater Gliders, Yellow-Bellied Gliders, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Red-browed Treecreeper and Gang Gang Cockatoo, and terrestrial species such as Spot-tailed Quoll, Smoky Mouse, Dusky Antechinus, Broad-toothed Rat, Southern Water Skink, Glossy Grass Skink and Diamond Python.
Habitat Restoration Fund – Suppressing the mass germination of habitat-changing weeds after the fires: The fires have caused the mass-germination of weed species around the perimeter of grazing land, threatening the quality of adjacent pristine bushland. The project will assist landowners to remove weeds, including Blackberry, Paterson’s Curse, Madagascan Fireweed, Spear Thistle and Artichoke Thistle. The project will also plant food trees for specific fauna species, such as Glossy Black-Cockatoos and Koalas, where the fire has reduced feeding opportunities.
Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust – Boundary fencing: This project will protect cultural and environmentally sensitive areas and habitat for local wildlife, including the adjoining bush and waterways of the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar site, from the impact of roaming livestock.
Lake Tyers Coast Action (LTCA) – Protecting Lake Tyers’ coastal forests and ecosystems through capacity building and knowledge sharing: The aim of this project is to build and share knowledge about flora communities of the Ramsar-listed coastal ecosystem of Lake Tyers, East Gippsland. Led by Lake Tyers Coast Action with support from Living Bung Yarnda and Friends of Oneonta (Landcare), the activities include flora surveys, partnering with local community and Landcare groups to promote techniques in citizen science and enable ongoing vegetation monitoring, and communicating study findings and developing education material about flora communities for local school communities and visitors to the region.
Raymond Island Landcare Group – Future-Proofing Raymond Island: The project will revegetate eight hectares of land, jointly managed Parks Victoria and Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation, using plant species indigenous to the coastal eco-system of East Gippsland, and with provenance to Raymond Island. The plantings will support establish a wildlife corridor along the south-eastern side of the island to increase habitat, enhance biodiversity and support sustainability for the island’s wildlife. It will enable expansion of the Koala Trail along existing tracks and help manage the environmental impacts of the more than 30,000 visitors to the island each year.
Threatened Species Conservancy – Multi-Species Recovery of Threatened Butterflies in Bushfire Affected Regions of East Gippsland: This project will undertake on-ground surveys to establish the extent of population loss and provide a baseline for ongoing monitoring on the recovery of seven threatened butterflies, including the Southern Sedge-darter. The project will train volunteers, community groups and Traditional Owners in butterfly identification and survey protocols and how to use these skills to assist in survey work.
University of Melbourne – Promoting environmental and social resilience after disasters: Highlighting the value of local Landcare groups to community-led recovery: A team of environmental and social recovery experts from the University of Melbourne and Federation University will work with Landcare Victoria to identify ways to enhance the role of local environment groups in post disaster environmental and social resilience. The project will focus on measures to build capacity of environmental recovery projects and improve the integration of environmental recovery with disaster recovery planning.
Victorian National Parks Association – Life After Fire: supporting wildlife habitat recovery in fire-affected areas of East Gippsland: This project aims to help landholders identify the habitat elements lost from their properties and teach them how to replace some elements to expedite habitat recovery. It will also train landholders in wildlife identification and a range of monitoring techniques to help record the recovery of wildlife in their area. Actions will be performed on six properties across three ecological regions of East Gippsland.
Workways Australia Limited – Harnessing Genetics to Restore Resilience in East Gippsland’s Threatened Flora: This project will assess the status and recover populations of the regions threatened flora, including the Gippsland Banksia, Betka Bottlebrush and Forrester’s Bottlebrush. Activities include surveys to assess the extant population size, assessments of species genomic diversity and structure and the establishment of ex situ seed banks and insurance populations by local Landcare networks, groups and others.
Forests of the NSW South Coast
All Sustainable Futures Incorporated – Nukka – Jerrinja Aboriginal Seed & Native Nursery Project: All Sustainable Futures Inc and the Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Land Council will work in partnership to deliver dedicated endemic native seed collection, propagation and native tube stock to support regeneration across Jerrinja Wandi Wandian Country in South Coast NSW.
Barrabaroo Landcare Inc. – Restoring & Protecting Native Flora & Fauna in Cobargo: The project will deliver a coordinated plan for weed and pest control to give native flora and fauna the best chance of recovery from the bushfires. Activities include flora surveys to map areas of weed infestation, camera monitoring of pest animals that are prevalent in the area, such as foxes and feral cats. Responsibly removing and a field day with community groups and local landholders to share knowledge.
Bush Heritage Australia – Native grass seed orchard for the restoration of burnt Yellow Box Grassy Woodlands and Derived Native Grasslands: This project will create a five hectare native grass seed orchard to provide a reliable seed source to restore native grass cover impacted in the bushfires, including the Critically Endangered White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grasslands.
Eurobodalla Shire Council – Protecting Tilbas Warty Zieria habitat: This project will protect the vulnerable Warty Zieria (Zieria tuberculata) of which there are less than 3,000 plants remaining in the wild. Activities will include baseline and photo monitoring, mapping, weed control with a focus on Lantana weed control, landholder and community engagement. The project will build the skills, resources and support networks needed by land managers to continue weed control and conservation of Warty Zieria into the future.
Far South Coast Landcare Association – Ramping up the Seed Bank in a Time of Need: This project expands the capacity of the Far South Coast Landcare Association’s native seedbank to deliver increased seed collection, processing and storage, to ensure sufficient local provenance seed is available to support post-fire revegetation projects in the region.
Friends of the Brush- tailed Rock-Wallaby Incorporated – Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Feral Predator Control Project: The ‘Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Feral Predator Control Project’ is a community-based conservation project aimed at preserving some of the southern-most remnant populations of this iconic species. The project will provide an extensive program of trapping and shooting of feral foxes and wild dogs on public and private land, complementing existing baiting programs to give the endangered rock-wallabies the best chance of survival.
OceanWatch Australia Ltd – Post-bushfire Mangrove Recovery: Community-led efforts in the NSW South Coast: OceanWatch Australia will build the capacity of local oyster farmers, researchers and the community to repair marine habitats post-bushfire. The project will build local teams to monitor mangrove health, and trial recovery techniques, such as planting seedlings, installing signage on recovering banks or seed drops by drone.
OzFish Unlimited Ltd – Waterway Fire Science: Waterway Fire Science will work with recreational fishers and landcarers to monitor the recovery of waterways, fish habitat and fish impacted by bushfires. The project will provide groups with tools and training to collect information that will be used to monitor recovery efforts for waterways in future bushfire events.
Royalla Landcare Inc – Cool burns and the community: Sustainable management tools for threatened Box-gum grassy woodlands: The recent bushfires impacted large areas of the Upper Murrumbidgee region emphasising the importance of the remaining remnant vegetation, including the Critically Endangered White box – Yellow box – Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland. Traditional fire management will be used to reduce fuel loads, weeds and pathogens and promote regeneration. This project will work in partnership with local Indigenous members, Local Land Services and wildlife experts, to empower landholders with knowledge and skills to manage healthy Grassy Box-gum Woodlands on their properties.
Shoalhaven Landcare – Seeds, weeds, trees and fauna needs – Continuing Post Bushfire Recovery in the Shoalhaven: This project will work to support ecological restoration by landowners and local Landcare groups on properties and in neighbourhoods impacted by the 2019-2020 bush fires. Shoalhaven Landcare and member groups will work with landowners to deliver activities including fox control, supply of native tubestock for revegetation, seed collection for priority local target species, native fauna monitoring and weed control.
The Trustee for The Crossing Land Education Trust – Workshops for enhancement and expansion of refugia: This project will support seed collection, propagation, and planting of habitat refuges in the far South Coast. Activities include workshops to facilitate knowledge exchange with local fire-affected communities and Indigenous land managers and provide training in strategic weed control. The project will protect important unburnt habitat, including river flats, wetlands and rainforest areas.
Upper River Valley Landcare Group Inc (UKVLG Inc) – Managing weeds and control of feral animals: The project will build community capacity and engagement to deliver weed and pest animal control in Upper Kangaroo Valley. The recovery of species such as the platypus and greater gilder will be supported through weed control in riparian zones and control of foxes, goats, deer, wild dogs and feral cats.
Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council Inc. – A New Community Native Plant Nursery for the Braidwood Region: The project will support a new community-led nursery in the Braidwood area. Funding will support develop procedures and undertake seed collection, training volunteers and research into climate-ready revegetation.
Yowrie Valley Landcare Group – Restore the Yowrie Valley – Control weeds: The project will deliver targeted weed control and native species replanting to protect the Yowrie River and the surrounding properties.
The rainforests of South-East Queensland
Austinville Landcare – Gold Coast Hinterland Rainforest Fire Protection Trails: This project will upgrade and establish fire trails within an area of contiguous bushland in the Gold Coast Hinterland, and support weed control and maintenance works in the area.
Barung Landcare Association Inc – On the path to resilience – restoring rainforest and bringing back the Southern Pink Underwing Moth: This project will work with the local community, key stakeholders and scientists to increase awareness and participation in restoring and building resilience of subtropical rainforest communities in declared fire impacted regions on the Sunshine Coast, with a focus on improving habitat of the Southern Pink Underwing Moth. A range of education activities, such as local seed collection days, plant identification and propagation workshops, environmental education film nights with key researchers, field days with local rainforest experts, and tree planting events with local landholders, will improve community knowledge on actions necessary to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate.
Beechmont District Landcare Association, Inc – Riparian Restoration Headwaters Back Creek: The project will protect native regrowth in bushfire affected areas and create buffers adjacent to fire damaged areas of Lamington National Park. Actions include removing declared weeds, replanting flora and encouraging natural revegetation to restore the ecosystem structure, biodiversity and resilience of riparian corridors and support the recovery of species including Lamington Spiny Crayfish, frogs, ground-dwelling mammals and reptiles, rare fungus and ferns. Beechmont District Landcare Association volunteers will undertake seed collection from mature species found and propagate and plant riparian trees and understory.
Boonah and District Landcare Inc – Enhancing bushfire recovery and resilience through collaborative, community engagement in the principles and practices of indigenous cultural burning: The project aims to protect the natural assets of the western section of the Scenic Rim by reducing fire loads, managing weed infestations and promoting the health of native vegetation and habitat through the effective use of fire as a management tool. The project will support collaboration between Traditional Owners, local landholders, Rural Fire Services personnel, local Council officers, Healthy Land and Water and other interested groups on cultural burning and host workshops to improve understanding of unique burning needs of different landscapes.
Brisbane Valley Kilkcoy Landcare Group – Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Festivals: The project will support Kilcoy Landcare group engage with the community, encourage participation in bushfire recovery actions and provide information and advice, in particular related to the recovery of the koala and ecological communities in the SEQ region.
Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee – Nature Refuges of Yamahra Creek’s Feral Animal and Habitat Augmentation Project: This project will support recovery of habitat for species, including the Koala, Spotted-tail Quoll and Glossy Black Cockatoo, at the Bulimbah and Bartopia Nature Refuges, over 200 hectares of privately owned land in the headwaters of the Yamahra Creek, bordering the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. Activities include feral animal identification and trapping, habitat augmentation using carved/artificial nest boxes and artificially constructed dens, and organising a volunteer Landcare weekend to undertake recovery activities such as weed control and citizen science.
Coolum District Coast Care Group Inc. – Assessing Fauna Resilience on the Sunshine Coast: The project will inform land managers to deliver ecological services to increase the resilience of bushfire affected fauna species. Activities include providing replacement nest boxes for hollow dwelling fauna between Maroochy River and Stumers Creek, using motion sensor cameras to monitor the presence of the long- nosed potoroo, and upskilling Coolum and North Shore Coast Care members to detect and identify Freshwater Crayfish species north of Maroochy River.
Friends of Nerang National Park – Artificial hollows for greater gliders in Nerang National Park: The project will install and monitor artificial hollows for greater gliders in Nerang National Park. 50 custom artificial hollows, specifically designed for greater gliders, will be installed to expand the extent of suitable habitat by increasing the availability of denning hollows. Artificial hollows will be placed at various heights and orientations to assess glider preferences. The work will be led by an experienced zoologist, with volunteers heavily involved in artificial hollow installation and monitoring. A public education campaign will raise the profile of gliders in this area.
Mooloolah River Waterwatch and Landcare Inc. – Strengthening resilience: planting natives and managing invasives: This project will enhance the resilience of the Critically Endangered Lowland Subtropical Rainforest by reducing threats to the Mooloolah River. The project will replant native species to provide habitat; deliver strategic weed control activities including for Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) and Cats Claw Creeper (Dolichandra unguis-cati); and support citizen science field events to engage the community in recovery actions.
Noosa & District Landcare Group – Peregian Beach Fire Zone Ecological Repair Project – Priority Actions: The project involves weed management and revegetation in areas of known habitat for species including Oxlyean Pygmy Perch, Honey Blue Eye, Wallum Sedgefrog, Ground Parrot, Koalas, Glossy Black Cockatoo, and plant species including Emu Mountain Sheoak. The project will be delivered in partnership with Peregian Beach Community Bushcare Group, Ozfish (Noosa Chapter), Noosa Council and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, and will include the direct involvement of Kabi Kabi First Nations trainees currently hosted by Noosa Landcare.
Noosa & District Landcare Group Inc. – Assessing and Enhancing Fire-Effected Glider Habitat through Innovative Landcare-led Surveys and On-ground Action: The project will be run in conjunction with the Qld Glider Network, the Yellow-bellied Glider Project and the Qld Department of Environment and Science to undertake spotlighting, visual and audio surveys of Greater Glider and Yellow-Bellied Glider on private and public land. The project will also trial scat detection dogs and install up to 50 nest boxes to support the recovery of the species.
Noosa & District Landcare Group Inc. – Cooroibah & North Shore Fire Zone Ecological Repair Project – Priority Actions: In partnership with the Noosa Council, the project will deliver weed management and corridor revegetation in areas with known habitat for Koala, Oxlyean Pygmy Perch, Honey Blue Eye, Wallum Sedgefrog, Ground Parrot, Glossy Black Cockatoo, and plant species including Bacon Wood (Archidendron lovelliae) and Hairy Hazlewood (Symplocus haroldii). This project will include the direct involvement of Kabi Kabi First Nations trainees currently hosted by Noosa Landcare.
Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre P&C Association – “Numinbah- Holding Tight” Restoring the natural link between Springbrook and Lamington National Parks – Community participation project: The project will contribute to restoring the Numinbah Valley as a natural wildlife corridor connecting two World Heritage National Parks. This project will enhance the resilience of species and ecosystems in the region and build knowledge and capacity within the Gold Coast community to restore and monitor landscape health. The Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre P&C Association will hold community field days to undertake planting of 4,200 trees and macroinvertebrate water quality monitoring in the Nerang River and nest box monitoring.
Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre Parents and Citizens Association – “Numinbah- Holding Tight” Restoring the natural link between Springbrook and Lamington National Parks- High school student participation project: This project will contribute to restoring the Numinbah Valley as a natural wildlife corridor connecting two World Heritage National Parks. The Numinbah Valley Environmental Education Centre Parents and Citizens Association will lead day trips where local school students will learn about wildlife protection and habitat creation by constructing nest boxes and planting trees.
Queensland University of Technology – Establishing an AI Enabled Drone Monitoring Network for Wildlife: The project will deliver a wildlife conservation network, using drones and automated detection, to monitor koalas and other animals in and adjacent to South East Queensland bushfire affected areas. An artificial intelligence powered hub for remote, rapid analysis of wildlife monitoring data will be created. The project will develop the capacity of existing Landcare and other community groups to conduct drone surveys for wildlife detection, drawing on their local knowledge, skill and expertise to enable effective on-ground management for koalas and other species.
Quoll Society of Australia Inc. – Surveys and Public Education for the Spotted-tailed Quoll in South East Queensland: The project will monitor populations of the endangered spotted-tailed quoll in Lamington and Main Range National Parks. Camera trapping surveys involving an experienced survey leader leading teams of volunteers will assess population densities to inform ongoing management actions. The project will also deliver an education campaign to raise awareness of the spotted-tail quoll in and around bushfire affected areas.
Springbrook WeedBusters – Protecting Springbrook National Park: This project will deliver weed control and community education activities to benefit threatened species and their habitats located within and adjoining Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. The project will support volunteers identify weed outbreaks, prioritise weed control, and provide educational workshops for landholders to assist with weed identification and appropriate weed control methods.
Tallebudgera Valley Nature-Culture Alliance – Understories: Restoring ecological communities in the Tallebudgera Valley: This project will engage the local community to share their knowledge, offer education and training, and develop an Ecological Management Plan. The project will take a bottom-up community approach using the arts to mobilise place-based community engagement. Target sites include wet sclerophyll ecological communities, on private and public sites located in Tallebudgera Valley along Petsch Creek and Tallebudgera Creek.
Upper Clarence Combined Landcare Inc. – Upper Duck Ck – Restoring 1.8km of riparian vegetation to strengthen resilience as refugia and as a corridor; and to buffer the stream and stabilise banks. Enhancing wildlife habitat with nest boxes and tree hollows and controlling feral pests: The project will restore riparian vegetation through a range of activities, including weed control and regeneration through planting 2,500 native species, installing fencing to exclude livestock and re-establishing stock watering points. Feral pests, including cane toads and foxes will be controlled and habitat will be enhanced by establishing nest boxes and tree hollows. A field day will be held to promote and provide information on the best practice techniques used.
Wildcare Australia Inc. – Wildlife Emergency Response Units: This project will build capacity for wildlife rescuers to respond efficiently and effectively to future bushfire events. Funding will provide training to wildlife rescuers and veterinary staff in wildfire awareness and support the purchase and fit out of two Wildlife Emergency Response Units.
Wildcare Australia Inc. – Wildlife Fodder Plantation: The project will establish a fodder plantation of locally-found native trees to provide quality food for bushfire affected species, including koalas, possums, gliders, birds and flying foxes.
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Scenic Rim – Recovery action for Scenic Rim Wildlife Corridors: This project will restore and enhance corridor habitat and larger habitat refuges where fire-sensitive plants and ground cover have been severely affected by fire and improve community awareness of burn strategies to protect wildlife from fire.
Wirrinyah Pty Ltd – Reviving cultural burning in the Lockyer: Together with support from the Firesticks Alliance Indigenous Corporation, Bunya Peoples’ Aboriginal Corporation, and the Lockyer Valley Regional Council, this project will support a series of cultural burns across private properties in the Lockyer Valley.
The rainforests of the NSW North Coast and Tablelands
All Sustainable Futures Inc – Enhanced Resilience in Pappinbarra: The project aims to improve community capacity and rehabilitate the Pappinbarra River riparian corridor to support the recovery of species such as Platypus, Powerful Owl and Koalas. Activities include weeding, fencing to exclude livestock, erosion control measures to restore eroded riverbanks, collecting and growing local seed species and replanting a riparian corridor with endemic species to support bank stabilisation and provide food and shelter for species. The project will also hold field days for landowners in the Pappinbarra, Hastings, Thone and Wilson rivers and develop electronic learning materials to foster commitment and skills in future land managers to improve riparian health.
Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network Inc – Supporting the recovery of the mid stratum and ground layer in grassy woodland forests: The project will support bushfire recovery by building the capacity of local landcare groups and nurseries to collect, propagate and distribute understory and mid-story species for the revegetation of fire-affected open forest ecosystems of the north coast NSW. The project will develop training tools on native grass collection, storage, propagation and direct seeding methods. The Mackellar Range Landcare group will host a workshop to support landholders develop fire property planning and ecosystem management.
Brunswick Valley Landcare Inc – Wildlife Safe Havens Glider Project – Bushfire Recovery Strategy for Byron Shire, NSW: The project will deliver immediate habitat support for Gliders on both private and public land. Activities include installing nest boxes, augmentation hollows, extending habitat corridors, undertaking habitat assessments and surveys, and monitoring sites using telescopic pole camera and song meter technology.
Clarence Landcare – Natural Habitat Protection from Indian Myna invasion: Clarence Landcare will work to control pest Common Myna Birds to benefit the recovery of native birds, in particular threatened species that nest in tree hollows such as masked owls, barking owls and glossy black-cockatoos. The project will provide traps, support and training to the community to control the species, raise awareness and increase the number of community trappers in the mid-lower Clarence catchment.
Clarence Landcare Inc. – The Great Cane Toad Bust: Recent research has shown a boom in cane toad numbers and accelerated geographical advancement in bushfire affected zones due to the destruction of vegetation barriers, the creation of open plains and pathways, and a reduction in food competition following the death of native species. This cross-border project will support implement ‘The Great Cane Toad Bust’, a week-long event to increase awareness on the post-bushfire impact of cane toads, encourage participation in cane toad control and create a national network of organisations that are committed to cane toad control efforts.
Coffs Harbour District Local Aboriginal Land Council – Habitat Re-creation and Enhancement Projects for Post Fire Affected Areas in Southern Gumbaynggirr Country. (New England, Dungirr and Ngamba National Parks): The project will support CHDLALC’s Durrunda Wajaarr Land and Sea Rangers to enhance and recreate habitat by creating log hollows and habitat stacks in the New England National Park, Dungirr National Park and Ngamba National Park. Activities will be carried out in partnership with NPWS and Forestry NSW.
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare – Resources for Landholders to identify and control weeds: The project will increase engagement and build capacity of landholders to identify and control weeds by providing them resources to guide and control weeds in the North Coast of NSW.
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare – Sowing the seeds for recovery and resilience in the Orara Valley, Coffs Harbour: This project will increase the availability of local native seeds and propagated plants for use in bush fire recovery and other restoration projects in the Orara Valley, Coffs Harbour. Activities include collecting local native seed from remnant bushland, mapping areas for future seed collection, propagating 1,500 plants for local landholders to use in restoration projects and hosting workshops to build the capacity of local Landcare groups and landholders to carry out restoration activities.
Granite Borders Landcare Committee – Field investigation for evaluation of habitat condition in areas impacted by bush fires – Tenterfield: This project will evaluate the habitat condition of areas impacted by fires to better understand the impact of the fires on local fauna and how habitats are recovering. The project will inform on-ground recovery works, including installation of nest box and planting of koala food-trees and trees for shelter-belts and habitat.
Gwymac Landcare Inc – Increase awareness, engagement & participation invertebrate pest control – Inverell region: This project will run two vertebrate pest trapping schools in the NSW Northern Tablelands region of Inverell to educate landholders and reduce the impact of predation on recovering native fauna. Information and training will cover trap preparation, site selection, identification and sign, trail camera use, humane destruction, legislative responsibilities and establishing and maintaining group participation in pest management activities.
Hastings Landcare Incorporated – Post Fire Threatened Species Habitat Recovery- Hollows in the Hastings: This project aims to install 190 nesting boxes and artificial hollows across nineteen properties in the Hastings Region. Boxes will cater specifically for threatened owl species, and small prey boxes and hollows may also benefit the yellow-bellied glider, squirrel glider, greater glider and micro bat species. Nesting boxes will be monitored annually by landholders via wireless nest box cameras.
Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance Inc – Protecting Lowland Rainforest in the Coffs Harbour and Bellingen LGAs: This project will undertake strategic weed management to facilitate recovery and restore the ecological function of unburnt patches of Lowland Rainforest Endangered Ecological Community. Activities will be implemented across 11 properties in collaboration of Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance, its partners, and the local community.
Macleay Landcare Network – Five Day Creek Riparian Corridor Recovery Project: The project will work with landholders to develop and implement improved management practices of a riparian corridor along Five Day Creek. Project activities will include the installation of livestock control fencing, off-stream water points and shade lots, weed control, and revegetation works. Community workshops will develop and promote project activities.
Nambucca Valley Landcare Inc – Bushfire Recovery in the Nambucca Shire: The project is focused on revegetation, strategic erosion control and riparian fencing across at least four private properties in the severely burnt forested headwaters of the Nambucca River’s southern catchment. Activities include planting approximately 2,000 subtropical rainforest species installing 1.2km of stock fencing and strategic erosion control structural works to protect South Arm Creek.
New England Weeds Authority – Tackling invasive exotic grasses encroaching the fire ravaged New England Gondwana landscape: This project will use mapping, monitoring and control to reduce the threat, spread and impacts of the invasive grasses on fire affected areas within Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, Cathedral Rock, Guy Fawkes River and Cunnawarra National Parks and Georges Creek Nature Reserve.
North Coast Regional Landcare Network – Habitat Recovery for Hollow Dependent Fauna – regional-scale solutions for long-term resilience: The severity of the bushfires on the NNSW North Coast resulted in extensive loss of old hollow-bearing trees that provide nesting and shelter for species including large forest owls, gliders, microbats, other bird, mammals and reptiles. This project will install artificial hollows, deliver workshops on innovative hollow-creation tools, instigate landscape-scale monitoring and undertake data analysis to assess the effectiveness of artificial hollow programs and make recommendations for improvements.
North Coast Regional Landcare Network – CountryCare: Landcare-Indigenous partnerships building pathways towards eco-cultural bushfire recovery: This partnership project will collaborate with the Landcare NSW to improve coordination between Landcare and Indigenous organisations across the North Coast. Funding will support Indigenous-led workshops focussed on topics including weeds, eco-cultural fire and ecological monitoring.
OzFish Unlimited Ltd – Fire Recovery of Threatened Eastern Freshwater Cod Critical Habitat: Phase Two: The project will implement erosion and weed control along the Nymboida River to help the recovery of species including the platypus and eastern freshwater cod. Works include weed control along 4km of riverbank, replanting of over 500 native trees to provide habitat, and improve bank stability, and installation of fencing to protect the restoration sites from domestic stock.
OzFish Unlimited Ltd – Fire Recovery of the Nymboida River to Safeguard the Threatened Eastern Freshwater Cod: The project will improve habitat within the Nymboida River to support the recovery of eastern freshwater cod and other aquatic species. Activities include weed control and the installation of fencing to protect restoration sites from domestic stock. Up to 500 native trees will be planted to provide future snags, shade, and bank stability, and reduce the likelihood of weeds reoccurring.
Richmond Landcare Inc – Nightcap Resilience 2: Restoring the Nightcap Connector Rainforests: Richmond Landcare will work with partners including Lismore City Council, local Landcare Groups, Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation and Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium to build community capacity and enhance the recovery of Lowland Subtropical Rainforest and associated Wet Sclerophyll forests ecological community. Activities include community capacity building events and regeneration on up to 10 properties.
Roseberry Creek Landcare Inc – Upper Richmond River Bushfire Recovery Project: This project will support private landowners in the upper reaches of the Richmond River to conduct weed control along the Richmond River and Burnett’s Creek tributary. Restoration will be supported with revegetation through a community planting event facilitated by Roseberry Creek Landcare and an assessment of vine weed incursion through the upper Burnett’s creek catchment within the Mt Lindesay State Forest.
Wilsons Creek Huonbrook Landcare Inc. – Fire recovery in Gondwanan rainforest Stage 2 – regeneration, weed management and hazard reduction: This project will build upon Stage 1 works through weed control, regeneration of native species and hazard reduction to support recovery of burnt areas in Nightcap and Mount Jerusalem National Parks.
Wilsons Creek Huonbrook Landcare Inc. – Top of the Range Glossy Black-Cockatoo Nest Hollow Project: The project will install and monitor artificial nest hollows across sites in the Koonyum Range and Wanganui Gorge to provide habitat for Glossy Black-Cockatoos displaced within Nightcap National Park.
Workways Australia T/A Envite Environment – Bungawalbin Landscape Bushfire Recovery: Weed and vertebrate pest control will be implemented over 175 hectares of fire impacted National Parks and surrounding private land in a partnership with Bungwalabin Landcare, Bandjalang Traditional Owners, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the local community.
The world heritage listed Greater Blue Mountains
Birdlife Australia – Restoring Mistletoe to provide Resilient Regent Honeyeater Habitat: This project will support the post-fire recovery of the Regent Honeyeater and its habitat in the Lower Hunter Valley, NSW. Activities include seed collection, propagation and planting of Mistletoe seeds; and engaging with Mindaribba LALC, Traditional Owners, Landcare Groups and local community to exchange knowledge and build capacity to deliver recovery actions.
Central Tablelands Landcare Inc. – Protection of unburnt habitat and refugia: The project will undertake seed collection and propagation of native plant species for use in revegetation of bushfire affected habitat and refugia.
Community Environment Network Inc. – Post Bushfire Landcare / Green Teams: The project will bring landholders together to work on neighbouring properties to restore natural vegetation, control weeds, protect habitat refugia and plant trees using local provenance species. The project will provide advice, training, support and education for landholders and local communities on best practices to support bushfire recovery of species and ecological communities.
Conservation Volunteers Australia – Volunteer Bushfire Recovery Greater Blue Mountains: The bushfires of 2019-20 devastated the habitat of numerous threatened species and killed millions of animals. This project will restore important habitat in the Barrington Tops and Grose Valley through weed control, citizen science wildlife surveys and monitoring, and construction and installation of nest boxes.
Hunter Region Landcare Network – Regenerating Congewai Creek: The aim of this project is to improve the condition of the riparian zone along a 13km stretch of Congewai Creek to benefit native species, including the Regent honeyeater, Koala and Spotted-tailed quoll. Activities include weed control and community engagement to provide education on weeds, habitat, native species, and demonstrate how to conduct follow up weed control and supplementary planting.
Luskintyre Landcare Group Inc. – Luskintyre Wildlife Corridors: This grant will extend two existing wildlife corridors and revegetate using over 10,000 native plants to increase habitat for native species. A revegetation workshop will be delivered by the Hunter Region Landcare Network to build capacity and provide information to the community on the initiative.
Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection Inc. – Mid Coast Community Nursery Upgrades to increase regional Bushfire Recovery Capacity: The project will increase the capacity of volunteers and the Mid Coast Council’s community nursery to propagate local providence plantings for revegetation.
Mulgoa Valley Landcare Group Inc. – The Penrith Platypus Project: The project will create a more resilient platypus population in the Nepean River by increasing suitable habitat and creating a refugia for platypus during fire events in the greater Nepean River catchment.
Science for Wildlife Ltd – Coordinating an evidence-based approach to landscape scale conservation, to build community capacity and ecosystem resilience: The project will develop a collaborative information sharing tool to support stakeholders coordinate community participation in conservation activities and build local capacity. The project includes two wildlife surveys, to test the effectiveness of the system and provide critical information on fire refugia and post-fire ecosystem functions.
Upper Spring Creek Landcare Incorporated – The Green Wattle Creek fire – a local community effort to boost wildlife habitat through the development of a local area network: This project will enhance the recovery of wildlife habitat by building a network of local Landcare groups and landowners to share information, tools and experiences in delivering on-ground recovery actions.
Watershed Landcare Incorporated – Growing recovery in the Mid Western Region: The project will collect local seed to propagate 10,000 plants to be planted within the Watershed district to enhance the rehabilitation and recovery of native vegetation in both fire affected areas and the refugia areas close to the fire scar. Plants and plant guards will be made available to landcare members and bushfire affected landholders for their planting projects.
Watershed Landcare Incorporated – What survived where? Ground truthing the impacts on bushfire affected areas, Olinda NSW: The project will undertake flora and fauna field surveys to determine the impacts and state of recovery of the bushfire affected area. This information will be used to identify suitable areas of vegetation for seed collection as well as identifying priority areas for revegetation. Fencing will be installed on the upper Cudgegong River to prevent further erosion along waterways and support the recovery of the riparian zone.
Key Program Statistics:
- $14 million provided by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat
- 111 community driven projects
- 48 animal species assisted including: 16 bird, 4 fish, 9 frog, 3 reptile, 16 mammal and 2 insect species
- 65,910 people involved, including 10,589 volunteers
- 424 partner groups and other organisations involved
- 1,329 community days, events and workshops
- 307,306 plants established
- 3,334 nest boxes and habitats installed
- 48,340m fencing installed
- 4,340 ha weeding undertaken
- 3,205 biodiversity surveys conducted
- $6,909,686 of in-kind support provided
The Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants Program has been supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat.
This grants program is jointly managed by Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network, delivered in partnership with the relevant State and Territory Landcare organisations to mobilise, build capacity, increase participation and support Landcare and community groups, landowners, land managers and other partners for improved delivery of bushfire recovery actions.