9 December 2016 – Government support for Landcare vital for the future health of our land and water

19 December 2016 – Following today’s MYEFO, Landcare Australia welcomes the announcement of $100 million of redirected funding into the National Landcare Programme. Landcare Australia hopes it will be consulted by the Federal Government to ensure that the funds will be directed to farmers, community groups and support agencies so they can continue their vital work.

13 December 2016 – New Chairman of Landcare Australia announced

13 December 2016 – Landcare Australia is pleased to announce the appointment to its Board of Doug Humann AM, who will succeed Campbell Anderson as Chairman of the Board when Campbell retires on 31 December this year, having filled the role since 2012.

2 December 2016 – Landcare funding announcement welcomed by Landcare’s national bodies

2 December 2016 – Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network today welcomed the announcement of a much needed funding boost for Landcare, while expressing hope that consultation would take place regarding where the funds would be directed.

1 December 2016 – Get 2017 off to a good start with a pledge to #loveouraussieland

1 December 2016 – It’s that time again – time to set goals and resolutions aimed at bettering yourself in the new year. Millions of Australians will be resolving to improve their health, give back to their communities, or spend more time with family as they head into 2017.

02 November 2016 – 100th Landcare Australia Green Army project improves Tasmanian World Heritage site

02 November 2016 – A significant project restoring National and World Heritage-listed Woolmers and Brickendon Estates in Tasmania was completed earlier this month, the 100th project delivered to-date by Landcare Australia in partnership with ManpowerGroup as part of the Federal Government’s Green Army Programme.