23 DECEMBER 2015 – Landcare Australia will lead a partnership between the Australian Government, NSW Government, community groups and land holders to complete vital remediation and protection work on the invaluable Wallamore Anabranch along the Peel River in Northern NSW. More than one million dollars in funding and in-kind contributions have been committed to this project by partners: Landcare Australia, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI), North West Local Land Services, Wallamore Landcare Group, Lion Dairy, and the 20 Million Trees Programme.
23 DECEMBER 2015 – Landcare Australia leads partnership to rehabilitate Northern NSW Peel River Anabranch
1 DECEMBER 2015 – Landcare Australia Strategy Forum
1 DECEMBER 2015 – A range of Australia’s leading environmental, scientific, agricultural and business minds will come together as part of a new forum that will provide cutting edge thinking to assist the Board of Landcare Australia as it continues to help build the capacity of the Landcare community to better manage Australia’s crucial land and water assets.
30 NOVEMBER 2015 – Engaging the Next Generation of Landcarers
30 NOVEMBER 2015 – The search is on for the next generation of young people committed to protecting Australia’s crucial land and water assets into the future. In a bid to make it easier for Landcare groups to attract young people, Landcare Australia has today released a new ‘how-to’ kit designed to provide practical advice on how to encourage young people to become active in their local Landcare group.