Partner with Landcare Australia

Want to get involved but don’t have a large budget?
Find out how you can still support endangered species and local communities across Australia through our Tree Planting Pool.
Our well-recognised Landcare Australia, Junior Landcare and Coastcare brands enable us to service multiple areas of the Landcare community. We develop partnerships that create tangible environmental outcomes as well as business outcomes.
Their support enables us to offer grants and quality on-ground projects to Landcare groups and networks, farmers and other landholders, Coastcare and Bushcare groups, schools, youth groups, Traditional Owners and First Nations organisations, universities and research agencies, and other environmental community groups. See list of Landcare Australia’s current corporate partners.
We are experienced in implementing successful partnerships that have a positive impact on natural resource management, the environment and communities.
For more information about partnering with Landcare Australia, please contact us on [email protected].
In the 2022-2023 financial year, support from our partners helped us make a major impact in local communities across Australia
Funding awarded through grants, Corporate Environmental Volunteering and donations
Students involved in Junior Landcare projects
Projects funded by grants
Trees & plants established
Landcare Australia is a national organisation
Our reach and diversity mean we can deliver projects in almost any location in Australia.
We are a national organisation with programs targeting Landcare groups, farmers and other landholders, Coastcare and Bushcare groups, schools, youth groups, Traditional Owners and First Nations organisations, universities and research agencies, and other environmental community groups. We have delivered Landcare grants and projects for 35 years, and have the expertise and experience in developing quality, hands-on grant programs. Our national reach includes 6,500+ Landcare and other environmental group, 100,000+ volunteers, 12,500+ schools, early childhood centres and youth groups, as well as more than 80,000 social media followers. Read Landcare Australia’s Capability Statement.
Grow your business
Demonstrate your company’s leadership in corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices while enhancing your brand positioning.
A Landcare Australia partnership offers positive brand positioning to target your preferred audience. This may include farmers, landholders, families, specific local communities, Landcare groups and environmental community groups, as well as your customers and stakeholders in cities, rural and regional areas. With marketing and public relations campaigns, a partnership with Landcare Australia helps your organisation build stronger connections between your business and your target audience.
Demonstrate your company’s leadership in corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices. We measure project results against these UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 3. Good Health and Wellbeing, 6. Clean Water & Sanitation 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13. Climate Action, 15. Life on the Land, 17. Partnerships to Achieve the Goals.
We meet your needs
We tailor our partnerships to align with an organisation’s business objectives including corporate social responsibility, sustainability and/or community support goals that are within your budget and reach your target markets.
A Landcare Australia partnership manager will work directly with you to support your key goals, and develop a mutually beneficial partnership plan that includes implementation and reporting. Our professional team develops innovative campaigns that maximise your partnership outcomes. They include environmental project managers, grant delivery coordinators, and marketing and communications specialists. We work with you to ensure your partnership with Landcare Australia is impactful, provides tangible business benefits and is communicated effectively to your target audience.
Read testimonials from some of our corporate partners
Multiple Program Focus Areas
Sustainable Agriculture Projects engage farmers in sustainable agriculture practices to help maintain food security and care for the natural environment on their property as well as sharing this knowledge with the farming community.
Revegetation/Habitat Restoration/Biodiversity Projects may have one or multiple aims, including improving native habitat and biodiversity, reducing water use and waste management.
Disaster Recovery Projects Bushfires, floods and other natural disasters have a devastating impact on our landscapes, habitat, native species and communities. Landcare Australia supports the Landcare grassroots movement of individuals and groups who have a shared vision to restore and protect the environment in local communities through sustainable land management and conservation activities. Recent examples of our support in this area are the Landcare Australia Bushfire Recovery Grants and The WIRES Landcare Wildlife Relief and Recovery Grants.
Indigenous Landcare Projects include biodiversity, revegetation, Coastcare and Junior Landcare on ground projects with a heavy emphasis on positive community impact. These types of projects are particularly attractive to corporate partners that have, or are developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to further promote relationships, respect and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people and communities.
Junior Landcare Support from corporate and government partners enables Junior Landcare to offer thousands of grants to Australian schools and youth organisations and other initiatives to inspire young Australians to be aware, empowered and active in caring for the environment. If you are interested in developing a partnership with Junior Landcare, visit this page for more information.
Coastcare projects tackle problems like marine litter, dune erosion, loss of native coastal plants and animals, storm water pollution, weeds and control of human access to sensitive and vulnerable areas. Click here for case studies about a few of our Coastcare projects.
Call: 02 9412 1040 | Email: [email protected]
Partner Testimonials
The a2 Milk Company’s purpose is to ‘Pioneer the future of dairy for good’. By awarding grants to eligible a2 Milk™ dairy farms through our partnership with Landcare Australia, we demonstrate our commitment to supporting local farmers with projects that help to create better environmental outcomes. We recognise that farmers are already making positive on-farm changes, and by working with farmers, we can make a bigger impact together.
Jaron McVicar | Chief Legal and Sustainability Officer, The a2 Milk Company
Gallagher remain committed to our partnership with Landcare Australia and are humbled by the impact our support has had on the success of a number of projects across the country. We are pleased to be able to play a small part to support local communities in facilitating grazing management and conservation projects to help improve the health of Australia’s natural environment and consequently, the sustainability of the agricultural industry.
Malcolm Linn | Gallagher – General Manager (Australia) – Animal Management
Coca-Cola Australia together with The Coca-Cola Foundation has had a long and proud history of partnering with Landcare Australia and its Coastcare program since 2006. Fantastic outcomes have been achieved, not only for local communities and their surrounding environment, but towards our broader business priorities around water replenishment and marine pollution as well.
Anna Dear | Coca-Cola Australia – Public Affairs and Sustainability Manager
Building the next generation of environmental champions is something that we continue to be passionate about at Woolworths. Further to our Junior Landcare Grants program, which has already helped more than 100,000 children get hands-on in caring for the environment, Woolworths is proud to be able to support Landcare Australia’s online Learning Centre to make it easier for students to learn more about how they can help the environment.
Claire Peters | Woolworths Supermarkets – Managing Director
We deeply value our partnership with Landcare Australia not only for the opportunities it provides for our employees to engage more deeply with their local Landcare communities and environmental groups, but also because of the way it helps Konica Minolta achieve its broader societal impact objectives. Over the last several years this has included contributing to programs to rebuild fire stricken Koala habitats, assist with drought education initiatives in farming communities, and support programs for sharing the ancient plant knowledge of Australia’s First Nations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Meredith Roach | Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia – Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer (CCSO)
Our long-standing partnership with Landcare Australia and the tireless community volunteers has delivered improved environmental values on VicTrack sites across the state. Project funding from VicTrack allows Landcare groups to achieve significant outcomes including revegetation, weed control, habitat restoration, control of pest species, ecological burns, engagement with Traditional Owners, protection of native flora and fauna species, rubbish removal, awareness raising and knowledge sharing with the broader community. We look forward to continuing our partnership to further enhance the ecological integrity of VicTrack land.
Narelle Simmons | VicTrack – Group Manager, Environment
Helping to build more sustainable communities is a key aim of the Jaramas Foundation. Our long-term partnership with Landcare Australia has allowed us to support grassroots rural projects that bring people together to support each other and improve their local environment.
Robin Craig | Jaramas Foundation – Chair