Edit Group Details on the NLD
Keeping your group’s listing up-to-date on the National Landcare Directory is easy. Fill in your group’s updated information through the online form below.
This form is for groups already listed on the NLD to update details.
Please CHECK YOUR LISTING so that you can see what information is currently displayed for your group.
It is VERY important that you enter your group’s current name on the form below to EXACTLY match how it appears in your group’s listing. This will avoid a duplicate listing being created for your group with slightly different group names.
If your group is not shown in the search results, that is ok. Just complete the current group name as it is officially known. If there are multiple listings for your group in the NLD, please contact us and describe the issue in detail, so that we can help.
IMPORTANT – If you use this form consecutive times to edit more than one group listing, please use a unique email address at the bottom of the form under “Primary Contact Details”. Please fill out EVERY field (blank fields will cause data to be lost).