Case study: The Trustee for the Schmidt Family Tust – VIC

Project Background
The aim of this project was to install conservation fencing on a 108ha beef cattle farm in North-East Victoria that adjoins Stanley State Forest. Operated by the Schmidt Family, active members in their local Kiewa Catchment Landcare Group, they wished to improve their farm practises by improving water quality and ecosystems on farm dams; protect the Stanley Forest from stock access; and improve soil health by introducing strip grazing.
Environmental Outcomes
The Schmidt’s installed a Gallagher Permanent Electric Fencing in the three priority areas of their property, and have already noticed improvements to the land, with noticeable water quality improvement to the dam due to stock exclusion and access to alternate watering points; the fence has prevented cattle from accessing state forest; and the Gallagher Treadings to support strip grazing has already improved the pasture by managing cattle in zones, maximising the feed value and pasture management.
Supported by their local Gallagher Territory Manager; the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Group, and Landmate (a service delivered by Corrections Victoria to provide low-cost labour on eligible environmental projects in regional areas, which also offers valuable skills development to inmates), the project has been extremely successful.
Over 14 people were involved in the project over three working bees to install the fencing. The group also held an on-farm Enhancing Farm Dams Workshop that was well attended by the local community and Landcare members, with guest speakers David Smith & Amber Croft from ANU Sustainable Farms, Kerri Goshnick from Ag Vic; and Graeme Mulligan from Gallagher Australia. It was a great opportunity to showcase the project, the products and collaborate.
A survey of the 38 participants demonstrated that overall participants increased their knowledge significantly, with 96% of respondents interested in participating in future field days on farm dam and fencing practises, and 70% interested in trialling Gallagher fencing products, and over 70% of participants wanting to make changes to their own farm dams.
We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to try the different fencing options. We believe the fences we have constructed…have already improved our on-farm water quality, soil health, biodiversity and animal health. They provide a line of protection for the neighbouring forest and have reduced the number of unwanted feral animals – Jacqui Schmidt