Landcare’s role in supporting bushfire impacted communities

Landcare Australia recognises that there is much to do in many parts of the country following this summer’s devastating bushfires which have significantly impacted our landscapes, habitat and communities.
We are working with the state and territory landcare organisations to understand the impact of these fires, needs of local landcare communities and generate funding opportunities for landcare groups and networks in impacted areas.
So far, over 600 Landcare groups nationally have been affected by bushfires from this summer period alone.
Since the beginning of January, Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network have attended a number of Round Tables and other meetings in Canberra with key Australian Government representatives in environment, agriculture and bushfire recovery.
Based on these discussions, Landcare Australia and the National Landcare Network have submitted a proposal to the Australian Government and other philanthropic partners to seek additional funding for landcare groups and networks to support immediate response, recovery and long-term resilience projects in impacted communities.
Many landcare communities need funding for immediate response projects and most will also need long term funding to support recovery and resilience projects over many years following natural disasters. We’ve invited landcare groups affected by bushfires that are in need of immediate funding, to submit a grant application for up to $15,000.
In the coming months, Landcare Australia will provide funding to local landcare groups and networks to restore essential wildlife habitat, shelterbelts and fences, protect our waterways, manage weeds and feral animals, engage with Traditional Owner groups and run local community workshops amongst other recovery activities.
Landcare Australia would like to thank those corporate partners that have already provided donations or offered volunteers to help with the recovery effort. Whilst this has allowed us to get started with providing some funding to where it is needed most, the amount of funds required by landcare groups in affected areas far exceeds the current funding available. If you would like to discuss how your organisation can support Landcare Australia’s Bushfire and Natural Disaster Recovery Program, please email [email protected].
For further information please refer to the Landcare’s role in supporting bushfire impacted communities statement released in January.