Leap into Landcare: Use your extra day this leap year to make a difference in bushfire recovery

Landcare is inviting Australians to use their extra day this leap year to volunteer with a Landcare group located in communities impacted by bushfires.
As the country come to terms with the devastation of the unprecedented bushfires, Landcare groups play a critical role in supporting recovery of biodiversity, landscapes and communities – and you can volunteer with Landcare to assist the restoration process.
When conditions allow, Landcare and other community groups will need volunteers to help with regeneration, restoration and rebuilding. With an extra day this leap year on Saturday 29 February, it’s the perfect opportunity to ‘Leap into Landcare’.
If you would like to participate but aren’t sure where to start, please click here for more information.
*The information you provide will help us find you a volunteering opportunity and will be shared with the Landcare organisation in your state or territory as well as local Landcare groups seeking assistance. Please be patient. Some Landcare groups will require immediate action while others may need longer to coordinate recovery projects and activities.
After the first response during a natural disaster, local Landcarers are there for the long term, with on-ground works over months and years. They provide affected people with opportunities to actively participate in community and environmental recovery, working together to repair properties and nurture communities and the environment.
Beyond the immediate aftermath of natural disasters, Landcare groups also provide a social hub, including bringing people together and running workshops with mental health experts to talk to group members directly.
“Landcare groups and volunteers are already part of the impacted areas and are bringing people together in the long-term to work on regeneration, restoration and rebuilding projects over the coming months and years,” said Dr. Shane Norrish, CEO Landcare Australia.
“Landcare projects provide people with opportunities to actively participate in community and environment recovery, working together to restore land, water and coastal landscapes, enhance habitat and strengthen community resilience. And there can never be enough volunteers.”
Landcare Australia is also accepting donations to the 2020 Landcare Australia Bushfire and Natural Disaster Fund. All donations will go directly to Landcare groups for ongoing recovery support. Visit landcareaustralia.org.au/donatebushfires for more information
Landcare Recovery Support Activities
Some of the activities community Landcare groups and volunteers across Australia will co-ordinate during bushfire recovery include:
- mobilising volunteers to help farmers and landholders with support activities
- restoring habitat for wildlife including construction and installation of nest boxes and replanting Indigenous vegetation (grasses, shrubs and trees)
- revegetating bush areas, paddock trees and shelter belts as conditions become appropriate
- removing burnt and fallen trees from fence lines, roads and access tracks
- cleaning up rubble from burnt sheds and other infrastructure including fencing which usually involves many kilometres and therefore days of rolling up and removal of damaged wire
- installing temporary fencing to manage immediate stock and pest control needs
- replacing permanent fencing over a longer period of time
- organising knowledge sharing workshops to provide information to landholders on best practice fire recovery
- supporting farmers and landholders with projects that improve soil health, conservation activities, and adaptation to climate change techniques critical to managing land and water assets
- working with Traditional Owner groups to protect and enhance cultural heritage and environmental outcomes on Country