2019 NSW Landcare Awards celebrate outstanding Landcare champions
Winning Landcare projects were announced on Wednesday night at the NSW Landcare Awards at Broken Hill Civic Centre, where Landcare champions from across NSW came together to celebrate impressive achievements in the Landcare community.
Hosted by Chris McCulloch, Business Partner for Landcare at Local Land Services, the awards celebrate incredible efforts to protect NSW land, water and biodiversity.
Last night’s ceremony saw award winners from diverse categories, including farming, Coastcare and Indigenous land management, announced by representatives of award sponsors and NSW Landcare community champions/stalwarts.
Stephanie Cameron, Chair of Landcare NSW together with Richard Bull, Chair of Local Land Services paid tribute to award finalists and champions.
‘Last night’s Landcare Awards Gala Event in Broken Hill was a great celebration of Landcare in NSW. The awards recognised individuals, groups and partnerships across the state as well as, and most importantly, First Nations custodians caring for country,’ Mr Bull said.
Mrs Cameron added: ‘On behalf of the Landcare NSW community, I congratulate all the nominees and recipients of the awards. Landcare is about communities working together to create positive outcomes for the environment and the agricultural landscape across NSW. It has never been more important that we continue to support and recognise the dedication and commitment of our Landcarers and recognise their tremendous efforts.’
Grand champions of the NSW National Award categories will go on to represent the whole NSW Landcare Community at the 2020 National Landcare Awards in Sydney.
Landcare Australia CEO, Dr Shane Norrish, commended recipients of the NSW Landcare Awards on their outstanding accomplishments.
‘It’s an honour to be able to recognise the great work being carried out by our Landcare champions in NSW,’ Dr Norrish said.
‘The Landcare Awards program provides landcarers the ideal opportunity to get together and celebrate the individual and collective achievements of landcare in the community.
He added: ‘Landcarers across Australia deserve to be acknowledged and we’re looking forward to seeing NSW winners represent their community at the National Landcare Awards next year.’

Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award – (l-r) Finalist Don Durant, Kygole Landcare Group Inc; Winner Nerida Choker, Upper Lachlan Landcare; Jane Ireland, Coffs Harbour Jetty Dunecare

Indigenous Land Management Award – Doug Humann, Chair of Landcare Australia with Aunty Francis Bodkin

Australian Government Landcare Farming Award – Doug Humann, Chair of Landcare Australia with Justin and Lorroi Kirkby, Amarula Dorpers

Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award – Teachers and students of Megalong Valley Public