3,000 kids enter “What’s In Your Backyard?” campaign

Junior Landcare’s recent ‘What’s In Your Backyard?’ photography competition generated nearly 3,000 entries from across Australia. Joining forces with Junior Landcare, Costa Georgiadis, the popular gardening guru and new Junior Landcare ambassador, launched the campaign to encourage the next generation of Landcarers to get outside and document what’s in their local environment during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Children submitted a photo and selected one of the four categories – biodiversity, food production, Indigenous perspectives and waste management – and told us why the subject of the photo was important
to them.
The judging was very tough but ten entries were selected with each winner receiving a $250 camera. The overall competition winner was 7 year-old Jarrah McGauran from NSW and his stunning image (pictured left) of a camouflaged moth. Jarrah said:
“I like nature. When I was with my Mum I found a beautiful camouflaged moth on the tree.”
Check out the Top 100 photos on the new Junior Landcare website juniorlandcare.org.au