Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award
This award recognises an innovative partnership of individuals, groups, or organisations that have demonstrated leadership and achievement in Landcare related activities because of the partnership.

ACT Catchment Groups, ACT
Southern ACT Catchment Group, Gininnderra Catchment Group and Molonglo Catchment Group joined forces in a partnership to deliver a community-driven Green Army program to the Landcare community across the ACT.
Assisted by Conservation Volunteers Australia, ACT Catchment Groups provided six teams as a ‘conservation workforce’ for more than 60 Landcare groups and individual landholders.
The teams assisted in the completion of over 250 water quality and macroinvertebrate surveys and riparian assessments, over 650 hectares of weeding, the planting of over 14,500 native plants, and 100 hectares of erosion management.

Land for Wildlife Top End, NT
Land for Wildlife Top End supports wildlife habitat by promoting conservation, land management and wildlife awareness and education, and supports over 250 registered properties covering 8,000 hectares.
The group has been focusing on the enhancement of habitat for arboreal mammals, many of which are in steep decline in northern Australia.
This includes protecting the black-footed tree-rat, by helping landholders to install 180 nest boxes and plant over 15,000 plants to provide food and habitat for the endangered species.

Land for Wildlife Top End, NT
Land for Wildlife Top End supports wildlife habitat by promoting conservation, land management and wildlife awareness and education, and supports over 250 registered properties covering 8,000 hectares.
The group has been focusing on the enhancement of habitat for arboreal mammals, many of which are in steep decline in northern Australia.
This includes protecting the black-footed tree-rat, by helping landholders to install 180 nest boxes and plant over 15,000 plants to provide food and habitat for the endangered species.

Seqwater, QLD
Seqwater collaborates with six local Landcare groups to improve catchment water quality on private agricultural properties in South East Queensland.
This collaboration has facilitated 40 kilometres of waterway riparian weed control, 47 new off-stream livestock watering points, the planting of 15,500 trees, 15 kilometres of fencing, and the implementation of non-waterway weed control over 35 hectares.
Each landholder implements a customised plan, combining Seqwater’s knowledge of drinking water quality in catchments and the expertise of local Landcare groups.

Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association, SA
Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association has been engaging the local community in environmental works since 1998.
Over the last decade, the group has worked on protecting the Fleurieu Peninsula swamps; home to endangered plants and animals such as the Mount Lofty Ranges southern emu-wren.
The Fleurieu Swamp Project has supported on-ground works to repair and protect swamp habitat, provided education and support for landholders to become swamp custodians, and developed the Mount Compass School Swamp as a habitat accessible to the public.

Kingborough Council, TAS
Kingborough Council supports 24 Landcare groups in its municipality, covering group insurance costs and providing access to correctional services work groups and council weed crews.
In partnership with Landcare Tasmania, the Council undertakes initiatives to build skills across groups, providing training workshops for group members and participating in Landcare Tasmania’s member outreach barbeques.
The Council also grows plants for group planting projects in the council nursery and provides plant guards, stakes, and weed mats.

Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation, VIC
Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation (WEAC) represents the Wurundjeri people, the Indigenous owners of the historical property ‘Coranderrk’ in the Yarra Valley.
Originally established as an Aboriginal reserve, Coranderrk closed in 1924 but was later restored through a partnership between the Port Philip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority and WEAC.
The property now mentors Indigenous owners in farm management techniques, including productive beef cattle grazing, habitat restoration, and waterway management and protection.
Restoration of the property includes 10.6 hectares of revegetation, with 19,600 plants sown, fences erected and 27.5 hectares of weed controlled.

Swan Alcoa Landcare Program, WA
Established in 1998, the Swan Alcoa Landcare Program (SALP) supports urban community groups throughout the Swan Canning catchment.
Community groups are eligible to apply to SALP for environmental grants – up to $20,000 annually for a single project.
The program has delivered over $7 million for on-ground projects in the catchment.
To date, SALP has injected $17.5 million into the economy and it is estimated that on-ground labour worth $3.4 million has gone into protecting the Swan Canning catchment river systems, bushlands, and wetlands.