Canberra to host the 17th Australian Vertebrate Pest Conference
The 17th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference (AVPC), held in Canberra from 1-4 May 2017, will focus on innovative solutions and future directions for pest management.
The need for innovative and evidence-based approaches to vertebrate pest animal management is imperative for providing solutions for Australian farmers, land managers, industry and government.
The AVPC program will comprise presentations on control initiatives, innovations in research, management and policy and the latest research outcomes. The conference will also provide pest management experts with the opportunity to network and have in-depth conversations about the future of pest management, including a Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.
Conference participants will hear from scientists and on-ground managers, including keynote speakers:
- Dr Dan Tompkins, Portfolio Leader, Managing Invasives, Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua, Dunedin, New Zealand
- Dr Kurt VerCauteren, Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist, National Wildlife Research Center, US Department of Agriculture, Colorado, USA
- Professor Paul Martin, Director, Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law, University of New England, Armidale
- Dr Michelle Christy, National Incursions Response Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.
- Mr Andreas Glanznig, Chief Executive, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre
The aim of the conference is to bring people involved in pest animal research and management together from Australasia and elsewhere in the world, to network. Participants will include researchers and students involved in pest management, state government agencies, federal and international government agencies, local government councillors and pest officers, landowners and managers, Natural Resource Management bodies, members of conservation agencies and industry bodies, contractors and community project officers.
The Conference is organised by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, in conjunction with the Australian and ACT Governments.
More information can be found on the conference website at: