Hawke’s releases 2022 Legend IPA supporting Landcare Australia

Bob Hawke’s annual legacy release to fund mangrove protection in Queensland
May 4, 2022:
Hawke’s Brewing Co. has released its third vintage of Legend IPA, in honour of Bob Hawke, with $1 from every can sold being provided to Landcare Australia, the environmental not-for-profit established by the Hawke Government in 1989, to support mangrove conservation and enhancement in Queensland.
This will be the first batch of Legend IPA brewed at Hawke’s recently-opened facility in Marrickville and also the first time the limited release has been made available in cans, having only been previously released in keg format.
“Every year, we have a unique opportunity to honour Bob’s legacy with a limited release called Legend IPA,” says Hawke’s co-founder, Nathan Lennon.
“This year, we’re reinforcing our ‘Every Sip Gives Back’ promise to Landcare Australia, with $1 from every can sold being provided to fund equipment for the Communities Enhancing Tidal Wetlands project in Queensland, a state that Bob loved and fiercely defended on the environmental front, from saving the Heritage-listed Daintree Rainforest from the logging industry, to expanding the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.”
This year’s sales of Hawke’s Legend IPA will assist the Cairns & Far North Environment Centre in funding equipment and resources to upskill volunteers, Indigenous Ranger groups and Landcare groups, as well as increase the capacity of the citizen-science group to obtain data on tidal wetland values and threats.
“Mangroves play an incredibly important role in protecting the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park by serving as a coastal break for natural disasters, reducing nutrient runoff from urban and agricultural sectors, and providing critical habitat for migratory birds and fish of cultural and economic importance,” says Alex Sinchak, Projects & Events Coordinator, Cairns and Far North Environment Centre.
“Thanks to the support of Hawke’s Brewing and Landcare Australia, we will develop and resource community-led, on-the-ground action to address natural and human pressures, such as litter removal from mangroves and increase habitat value with social, cultural, and economic benefits to the Wet Tropics.”
For more information on the partnership visit: https://landcareaustralia.org.au/our-partners/corporate-partners/hawkes-brewing
About Hawke’s Brewing Co:
Hawke’s Brewing Co. is a 100% Australia-owned and operated company, engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling beer products. The company was founded by Nathan Lennon and David Gibson in April 2017, with former Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, the name, face and ambassador of the brand. The company has a foundation partnership with Landcare Australia, with contributions from its beer sales helping to raise awareness and provide financial support for Landcare projects throughout the country. Mr. Hawke held no financial interest in Hawke’s Brewing Co., instead opting to have his benefit provided to support the company’s partnership with Landcare Australia.