Landcare Australia signs up to the ‘Darwin Agreement’

Landcare Australia signs up to the ‘Darwin Agreement’ – a collaboration between Australasian environmental organisations to support the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Thirteen prominent Australasian environmental restoration organisations announce the formation of a consortium to collaboratively support the recommendations of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration – with more in the process of signing up.
The consortium agreement, referred to as the ‘Darwin Agreement’, was initiated at the SERA2021 Darwin conference where eight major restoration organisations presented talks on what the UN Decade means for their ongoing work in restoration in Australia.
Against a backdrop of environmental crises, the Consortium urges concerted support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration by all sectors of society – policy makers, industry and communities – to retain ecosystems, reduce our impacts upon them and to repair ecosystems to optimise potential for humanity to revive the natural world that supports us all. There is a clear message from the United Nations Environment Program who initiated the UN Decade; if we do not succeed well within the next 10 years, we lose our best chance of averting catastrophic climate change and the species loss and ecological collapse that will result. What we stand to lose is millions of plant and animal species, the livelihoods of millions of people and the lifestyles upon which previous generations have strived to build stable and successful societies.
Each of the Consortium members has a long track record of working for environmental conservation including ecosystem restoration and commits to promoting the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, with particular focus on:
- Reinforcing and clarifying our common purpose to help conserve and restore Australasian ecosystems
- Promoting public awareness of the UN Decade as a focal opportunity for integrated restorative action by all sectors of society
- Promoting best practice ecosystem restoration
- Supporting a united communication voice around the UN Decade
Member organisations:
- Australian Association of Bush Regenerators
- Australian Coastal Restoration Network
- Australian Network for Plant Conservation
- Australian Seed Bank Partnership
- Bush Heritage Australia
- Gondwana Link
- Great Eastern Ranges Initiative
- Greening Australia
- Landcare Australia Ltd
- National Landcare Network
- Restore Australia
- Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia
For further information about the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, visit