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By submitting my story to Landcare Australia I understand and agree that:
Landcare Australia may use it as part of its promotional campaign for Landcare and Landcare Australia’s 30 Year Anniversary which includes, but is not limited to, website, publications, social media, media.
The contributed work is not infringing on anyone else’s copyright or other rights.
Editing may occur without consultation, but all final copy with be sent to me, the contributor, for final approval.
Landcare Australia will endeavour to notify me when intending to use my story.
Use of my work will be unpaid.
By submitting my story to Landcare Australia I understand and agree that:
Landcare Australia may use it as part of its promotional campaign for Landcare and Landcare Australia’s 30 Year Anniversary which includes, but is not limited to, website, publications, social media, media.
The contributed work is not infringing on anyone else’s copyright or other rights.
Editing may occur without consultation, but all final copy with be sent to me, the contributor, for final approval.
Landcare Australia will endeavour to notify me when intending to use my story.
Use of my work will be unpaid.