Biggest ever Coastcare Victoria Grants now open

In celebration of our 25th year, Coastcare Victoria is offering more funds and larger grants to Victorian community groups through its Community Grants Program. Individual grants up to $30,000 are available for eligible projects to conserve, restore and rehabilitate Victoria’s coastal and marine environments.
The $495,000 program has two streams of funding this year to support community adaptation and improve ecosystem resilience to climate change: stewardship and education and a new stream of strengthening our volunteer groups.
Projects under the stewardship and education stream focus on activities that conserve, rehabilitate, and restore coastal and marine ecosystems. This stream encourages activities that support community participation, engagement and education to enhance knowledge and understanding of coastal and marine management.
The new ‘strengthening our volunteer groups’ stream encourages community groups to consider ways to expand, diversify volunteer bases and create opportunities to engage youth and volunteers from different backgrounds, cultures, nationalities and abilities. This stream is seeking projects that will rethink volunteering to capitalise on the different ways people want to volunteer and improve volunteer recruitment and retention. For more information, click here.
Please note that we also have a new system we are using for applications this year: the DELWP Grants Online Portal. For more information, click here. For any technical issue, such as unable to login to the portal, or error on the page, please direct applicant to email [email protected].
Applications are now open and close at 5pm on Thursday 7th May 2020.
An update from the Coastcare Victoria team.