Got funding? Landcare groups received needed money for sustainable agriculture projects
Landcare Australia recently gave out eight grants in support of sustainable agriculture work being implemented by Landcare groups across the country. Well done to the recipients for their excellent applications and for their commitment in doing this valuable work to better our precious land and water resources that sustain us!

Heytesbury District Landcare Network (VIC)
This group received funds for their Biofund Program, to achieve weed control, tree planting to sequester carbon, and to provide improved corridors and biodiversity across the Heytesbury District of south west Victoria, encompassing some 170,000 hectares of land.
King Island Natural Resource Management Group (TAS)
This group received funds for a pilot project to embrace new technology to improve drainage and soil quality on King Island in Tasmania.
Wet Tropics Soilcare (QLD)
This group received funding for a project to provide skill-building workshops to farmers and land managers to learn more about soil management and farming practices that regenerate the productive capacity of agricultural soils, and improve ecosystem health.
NSW Farmers Association (Central Coast Horticulture Branch)
This project will build knowledge and capacity with regard to sustainable farming practices in horticulture for the members and wider farming community.
Western Port Catchment Landcare Network (VIC)
This group received funding to implement a new farming system being developed at Camaray Farm – multi-storey farming. It’s designed to integrate different “storeys” of soil, pasture/crops, livestock and trees together to create a diverse system with a mosaic of production opportunities over the short, medium and long term.
This project aims to connect local farmers with new technologies to support management decisions. The project will fund one demonstration site of 40 hectares to implement precision agriculture technologies for pastures and showcase technology that is now available to support investment decisions in regards to farm inputs and development.
Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative (VIC)
This project aims to review the impact of dung beetles on agricultural production and soil health and increase the number of farmers aware of the contribution of dung beetles to a healthier landscape.
Gascoyne Catchments Group (WA)
This group received funding for the implementation of technology to define the diet of rangeland livestock to improve production and landscapes, including DNA barcoding, with workshops and field walks to increase landholder understanding of the diversity of nutrient profiles in rangeland plants.