Wyndham Farm brought back to life
In Harrogate, east of the Adelaide Hills, 220 hectares of Wyndam Farm was burnt right through from boundary to boundary decimating works undertaken in 2014 by Bremer Barker Catchment Group and Goolwa to Wellington LAP (GWLAP).
With fences destroyed, ground-layer and soils exposed and large ancient red gum decimated, revegetation works had been planned for this site prior to the fires to add creek line diversity and block revegetation.
But securing a Landcare Bushfire Recovery Grant, this funding will allow for the re-planting, guarding and maintenance of more than 2000 local native seedlings within 1.5 hectares of the Davidson Creek. This will link to another five hectares of other proposed revegetation on the property.
And GWLAP have more than 2000 local provenance seedlings growing at their nursery that will be ready to plant in June 2020 for the site.
Revegetation will involve the planting of local trees including red gum (Eucalyptus camadlulensis), old man Banksia (Banksia marginata), Blackwoods (Acacia melanoxylon), Drooping She-oak (Allocasuarina verticillata) and blue-gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon). A suite of grasses, sedges, rushes and shurbs will also be planted to improve biodiversity, reduce erosion in the watercourse and provide refuge for wildlife.