Celebrating Landcare Legends
Landcare owes much to the vision of the late Bob Hawke. He was a champion of the movement since its inception and he remained a strong advocate and supporter of the Landcare community throughout his life.
Not long before he passed away, Bob took the opportunity to reflect on what Landcare has achieved over the past 30 years and recognise the tireless efforts of those who share the Landcare vision.

To the Landcare community,
I am very proud to be part of what has become a great Australian success story – Landcare.
In 1989, the year the not-for-profit organisation Landcare Australia was formed, I proudly announced that 1990 would be the Year of Landcare, and the 1990s the Decade of Landcare.
Landcare, originating in Victoria, is now one of the largest volunteer movements in Australia with thousands of people and countless communities working together to solve local environmental issues.
The Landcare movement has grown from groups of sustainable farmers, Landcare groups and networks, and First Nations peoples, to now include Bushcare, ‘Friends of’ groups, Coastcare, Junior Landcare and community groups who identify as Landcare.
Over these thirty years, Landcare has evolved into a powerful movement of volunteers who donate their time, skills and expertise to benefit all Australians. Landcare has played a leading role in changing Australia’s approach to sustainable agricultural practices, environmental protection, conservation of land, waterways, coasts, biodiversity and landscapes.
Landcare and Landcare Australia continue to thrive with the movement being more important now than ever.
Thank you to all the passionate, committed Landcare volunteers and countless other supporters who share the Landcare vision.

The Hon. Bob Hawke AC