Summer by the sea

All abilities snorkelling at Beaumaris.
Each year during the January school holidays, Coastcare Victoria, in partnership with Parks Victoria, coordinates the delivery of hundreds of free ‘Summer by the Sea’ activities to encourage the community to get out and discover Victoria’s coastal and marine environments. Now in its 24th year, the 2019 program was a huge success, with more than 10,000 people attending over 300 activities right across Victoria’s coastline. Whether it was gannet gawking in Portland, snorkelling in Altona or dinosaur discovery in Inverloch, there was something for everyone.

This year’s program focused on maximising inclusion, leading to some great opportunities to align with Absolutely Everyone, the Victorian Government’s State Disability Plan. In Melbourne, four all abilities snorkelling activities were on offer, with each event being fully booked and very well received. There was also a focus on diversity, with event organisers working with multicultural support organisations like Diversitat to ensure people from different backgrounds had the chance to access the beautiful coastline Victoria has to offer. Coastcare Victoria coordinator Bec Cross had the opportunity to attend an enviro craft activity at Indented Head with three Burmese families who had arrived in Geelong as refugees only one month prior. “The families had come from living in the mountains, and had never visited a beach, so it was incredible to watch them as they learnt about shells and shark eggs, and got creative with the help of an interpreter,” Bec said.

Seaside Scavenge at Rye.
Summer by the Sea activities are provided by a passionate group of partners including environmental volunteers, community groups, local businesses and government agencies. The program is made possible because of the expertise and enthusiasm of these people who share their knowledge and love of Victoria’s marine and coastal environments with the community. Coastcare Victoria would like to extend a special thanks to everyone involved in Summer by the Sea 2019 and is looking forward to returning for another great year in 2020.
To stay up to date about Summer by the Sea 2020 click here.