Thank you for registering your group or updating its listing
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FREE Resources for your group
You can access a wide range of assets and information available on this website to help your group communicate with its members and a wider audience. From how to start a group, to Landcare Volunteer Recruitment, Media Kit, templates, logo usage guidelines and branded merchandise.
There’s even a whole purpose-built community platform, Landcarer, available just for Australia’s landcare community.
Stay in contact with us
Please add [email protected] to your address book to ensure that you receive any communications for which you have opted-in.
You can change your group’s details at any time by completing this form again. If your group’s name changes in the future, please contact us and we’ll update it in the directory.
Please subscribe to the communications you want to receive. You can also unsubscribe at any time.
Need help?
Please contact us for any assistance you require.