Landcare groups work together in Queensland to tackle major weeds issue
A significant Landcare project that has been taking place at Tyamolum, Mt Crosby in Queensland, since late 2015 has been completed. Funded under an Everyone’s Environment Grant provided by the Queensland Government, the project has seen the removal of at least 20 garbage bags of Mothers of Million plants, treatment of a Cat’s Claw invasion, a reduction of lantana and planting 1,000 native plants.

The project has been very interesting as we have recorded the location of over 100 rare Lloyd’s Native Olive plants on the property. This plant only grows in the Karalee-Karana Downs-Mt Crosby area and was named after local identity, the late Lloyd Bird.
To protect this rare plant we needed to remove as many competing weeds as possible, like Cat’s Claw Creeper (a Weed of National Significance), Mothers of Millions, Lantana, Ochna and Corky Passion Vine. Fortunately, we have had the help and expertise of weeders from the Oxley Creek Catchment Association (OCCA). They treated the patch of Cat’s Claw occurring in a patch of dry Rainforest and also led the removal of the weeds throughout the eucalypt forests on the property, supported by scouting volunteers who have done follow-up weeding.
With the help of scouts and cubs from various groups, including Richlands, Riverview, Moggill, Taringa-Milton-Toowong and Kenmore, plus their leaders over 1,000 native seedlings have been planted. These seedlings have started well with the good rains of Spring and Summer and will eventually help shade out the nasty weeds and prevent new weeds from invading.
The planting took place on three Community Environment Days which also saw the participation of members of other landcare groups such as Moggill Creek Catchment Group, The Hut Environment and Community Association (THECA) and OCCA who helped educate the scouting youth members on caring for the environment.
Plastic water pipes have been laid throughout the property, providing safe drinking water for the scouts and cubs camping on the property, water for newly planted seedlings as well as a source of water for fighting fires.
The scouting fraternity connected to Tyamolum is very grateful for the sponsorship of this project by the Queensland state government. It has complemented the activities that have been going on under the auspices of the Land for Wildlife program and demonstrates the importance of landcare and environment to the various levels of achievement in cubs, scouts and venturer sections.
More information: Ian Heath – [email protected] ; 07-3371 3712